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Go with XHTML Comprehensive
A. Duvall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed for full-semester course on XHTML, Web design, Web programming, or for a computer applications course with a Web component. Teach the course YOU want in LESS TIME! The primary goal of the GO! Series... czytaj dalej

Security in Computing
Charles Pfleeger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The New State-of-the-Art in Information Security: Now Covers the Economics of Cyber Security and the Intersection of Privacy and Information Security For years, IT and security professionals and students have... czytaj dalej

Global Geographies of Post-Socialist Transition
Herrschel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the formal raising of the Iron Curtain, there has been much interest in post-socialism and the process of post-socialist transition. This timely book provides a systematic review and analysis of the process... czytaj dalej

Long-Memory Time Series
W. Palma Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the last decades long-memory processes have evolved as a vital and important part of time series analysis. This book attempts to give an overview of the theory and methods developed to deal with long-range... czytaj dalej

Energy from the Desert v2
K. Kurokawa Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is a unique, extensive and high-level international study, representing the accumulated research of the world experts from an IEA programme, it includes case studies of worked projects, in full colour... czytaj dalej

Anatomy & Physiology
Marieb Wydawnictwo: inne

Anatomy Physiology, Third Edition answers the demand for a leaner version of Elaine Marieb and Katja Hoehn's Human Anatomy Physiology with less in-depth coverage of pregnancy, heredity, and the developmental... czytaj dalej

Current Issues & Trends In Education
Aldridge Wydawnictwo: inne

Current Issues and Trends in Educationsynthesizes political, theoretical, social, and practical topics in a 21st Century context and promotes multicultural education, technology, and gender issues. This text... czytaj dalej

Foundations of American Education
Johnson,Musial,Hall Wydawnictwo: inne

Keeping pace with current issues and professional requirements, such as standards and teacher certification, this classic text offers solid coverage of the foundations of education. This best-selling text by... czytaj dalej

Primes & Knots
T. Kohno Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume deals systematically with connections between algebraic number theory and low-dimensional topology. Of particular note are various inspiring interactions between number theory and low-dimensional... czytaj dalej

Quantum Graphs & Their Applications
G. Berkolaiko Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume is a collection of articles dedicated to quantum graphs, a newly emerging interdisciplinary field related to various areas of mathematics and physics. The reader can find a broad overview of the... czytaj dalej