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Mosby's Medical Drug Reference
Ellsworth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

110 of the world's foremost authorities explore the latest advances in molecular and cellular neurobiology and molecular neurogenetics and their implications for the development of pharmacologic or gene therapy... czytaj dalej

Ready or Not
Manby Wydawnictwo: inne

Every bride is entitled to some pre-wedding jitters. And what girl wouldn't think twice about marriage when her fiance gets his eyebrows shaved off just in time to look horrendous for the photographs. But what... czytaj dalej

Dynamics of Social Exclusion in Europe
E. Apospori Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Issues of poverty and social exclusion are high on the European policy agenda. The Dynamics of Social Exclusion in Europe reports findings from a study funded by the European Commission, using data from the... czytaj dalej

Global Development of Organic Agriculture
N. Halberg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Agriculture and food systems, including organic agriculture, are undergoing a technological and structural modernisation strongly influenced by growing globalisation. Organic agricultural movements can be seen... czytaj dalej

Medicinal Chemistry
G. Patrick Wydawnictwo: inne

Instant Notes in Medicinal Chemistry provides concise yet comprehensive coverage of the subject at an undergraduate level, as well as easy access to the core information in the field. It presents 70-80 topics... czytaj dalej

Cycle de Fondation v5
Isaac Asimov Wydawnictwo: angielskie

La Terre. Tout porte a croire que le légendaire berceau de l'humanité se trouve au coeur d'un vaste plan a l'échelle galactique, destiné a garantir en coulisses la pérennité de la civilisation: une synthese... czytaj dalej

Guerre et Paix v2 (288)
Leon Tolstod Wydawnictwo: angielskie

- Couchez-vous ! cria l'aide de camp en se jetant a terre. Le prince André, debout, hésitait. La grenade fumante tournait comme une toupie entre lui et l'aide de camp, a la limite de la prairie et du champ... czytaj dalej

G. Berenice Wydawnictwo: inne

Geisha ... at the slightest evocation of this little Japanese word there appears instantly before the eyes of Westerners a succession of images swaying gently between languorous voluptuousness and erotic fantasy... czytaj dalej

Kant Und Die Bewusstseinstheorien Des 18 Jahrhunderts
F. Wunderlich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Falk Wunderlich advances a fundamentally new approach to an understanding of Kant's theory of consciousness. In the first part of his study, he presents a detailed reconstruction of 18th century discussions... czytaj dalej

Geschichte Des Schreibens Von Der Antike
O. Ludwig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The subject of the book is the history of writing from Greek Antiquity around the middle of the 8th century BC up to the time between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 17th when the effects... czytaj dalej