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Solid State Physics
H. Ehrenreich Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume is concerned with recently developed physics and materials for semiconductor and photonic devices. It discusses visible light emitters and lasers that use polymers and II-VI compounds, photonic... czytaj dalej

World's History, Combined Volume 3e
H. Spodek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For introductory level courses in World History.A true exploration of world history, The World's History links chronology, themes, and geography in eight units, or parts of study, each emphasizing a single... czytaj dalej

Imperialism & the Modern World
F. Chiteji Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For introductory World or Global history classes, especially those that cover the nineteenth- and twentieth-centuries; upper-division courses on global imperialism in the modern era.  Imperialism in the Modern... czytaj dalej

Cross Country Teacher's Book 1
J. Revell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This four-level course for students beginning English at the age of ten or eleven contains outstanding features which reflect current thinking about language learning and syllabus design.slow initial paceregular... czytaj dalej

Daniel's Mystery Egg (L. #2)
Ada Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Daniel finds an egg. What kind of animal will this mystery egg hatch? Imaginations run wild as the kids in Daniel#8217;s class guess what sort of surprise the egg has in store.... czytaj dalej

Directives in EC Law
Sacha Prechal Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This fully revised and updated new edition offers a detailed exposition of EC Directives, individual rights, and the protection of those rights in national courts. Three central themes are investigated: the... czytaj dalej

Four Blondes
Bushnell Wydawnictwo: inne

FOUR BLONDES charts the romantic intrigues, liaisons, betrayals and victories of four modern women: a beautiful B-list model finagles rent-free summerhouses in the Hamptons from her lovers until she discovers... czytaj dalej

Journey to the Vanished City The Search for a Lost
T. Parfitt Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In a mixture of travel, adventure, and scholarship, historian Tudor Parfitt sets out in search of answers to a fascinating ethnological puzzle: is the Lemba tribe of Southern Africa really one of the lost tribes... czytaj dalej

Rabbi Jesus An Intimate Biography
B. Chilton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Beginning with the Gospels, interpretations of the life of Jesus have flourished for nearly two millennia, yet a clear and coherent picture of Jesus as a man has remained elusive. In Rabbi Jesus, the noted... czytaj dalej

Book Business
J. Epstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jason Epstein has led arguably the most creative career in American book publishing during the past half-century. Here he discusses the severe crisis facing the book business today, affecting writers and readers... czytaj dalej