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How To Choose A Franchise
I. Murray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The number of UK business franchises has more than doubled over the last eight years, to a combined annual turnover ofŁ10 billion. Unlike the majority of business start-ups, most franchises are successful,... czytaj dalej

From Idea to Profit
Jolly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Inspiring advice from the leading exponents of innovation in business.Shows how to turn innovative ideas and products into money makers.Invaluable guidance and proven strategies for bringing them to market... czytaj dalej

Excellence in Advertising
Butterfield Wydawnictwo: brak danych

While many books on advertising are written by people whose experience of the industry is either limited or else rather distant in time, Excellence in Advertising, has been created by a group of people who... czytaj dalej

Veterinary Physiology & Applied Anatomy
L. Tartaglia Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This important contribution to the veterinary literature explains the underlying anatomical structure of the animal, then explains the physiology of all the body systems applying theoretical concepts to actual... czytaj dalej

Biochemistry of the Eye 2e
Whikehart Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A readable introduction to this difficult topic, this textbook provides information on the molecular structures and biochemical events that occur in the eye. With specific clinical examples, basic science is... czytaj dalej

Art & Its Discontents
R. Read Wydawnictwo: inne

Adrian Stokes is considered to have been one of the most original English art critics of the 20th century. This study traces his development as a critic mainly up to his early reviews of Hepworth, Nicholson... czytaj dalej

Warfare in Europe 1815-1914
P. Wilson Wydawnictwo: inne

The history of nineteenth-century European warfare is framed by the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The Crimean War and the struggles for Italian and German... czytaj dalej

Statistical Methods for Practice & Research
A. Singh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is designed to help managers and researchers in solving statistical problems using SPSS and to help them understand how they can use various statistical tools for their own research problems. SPSS... czytaj dalej

Sociology of the Body
K. Cregan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`Through a provocative analysis, this book contextualizes, explicates and critically analyses the work of those key theorists and texts that have been most influential in refocusing our gaze on human embodiment... czytaj dalej

Power & Organizations
S. Clegg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"This book offers a comprehensive genealogy of power and organizations. It outlines the complex tapestry of ideas, traditions of thought and empirical research, which constitute the ???state of the art... czytaj dalej