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God's New Man John Paul II's Leacy & the Election of the New
Collins Wydawnictwo: inne

The dramatic events leading up to the appearance of white smoke over the Vatican and the public declaration from the balcony of St Peters- Habemus Papam- has been the most remarkable yet in the election of... czytaj dalej

Supporting Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disor
Kate Spohrer Wydawnictwo: inne

This book is a collection of practical suggestions and materials to use with pupils who have ADHD or demonstrate ADHD type behaviour. It provides a variety of materials to help the child get to know their own... czytaj dalej

You're History How People Make the Difference
M. Brown Wydawnictwo: inne

This book arose out of a challenge. The challenge was made by Bob Geldof to the British academic and historian Michelle Brown. Pop singers raise huge sums of money for Band Aid and touch the hearts of people... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Easily Confused Words
D. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique dictionary defines troublesome homonyms like banned and band, barred and bard in groups -- so readers can quickly compare and distinguish between meanings.... czytaj dalej

Amenity Migrants
L. Moss Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first volume to be published that describes and explains the expanding, complex global phenomenon "amenity migration" and its profound effects on the natural environment and culture in... czytaj dalej

Cycad Classification
Walters Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume presents the current state of our knowledge of the classification of the approximately 300 species of cycads. It includes contributions from leading researchers from Australia, China, Italy, Mexico... czytaj dalej

Insect Evolutionary Behaviour
M. Fellowes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In addition to being critical components of terrestrial ecosystems, insects provide excellent model systems for understanding evolutionary ecology. This book is developed from proceedings of the Royal Entomological... czytaj dalej

Chemical Analysis in the Laboratory
R. Baker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Often considered as a simple task, chemical analysis actually requires a variety of quite complex skills. As a practitioner in an interdisciplinary science, the analytical scientist is relied upon to have the... czytaj dalej

Automated Synthetic Methods for Speciality Chemicals
W. Hoyle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Can high throughput experimentation, originally developed by pharmaceutical researchers, be adapted to speciality chemicals RD? This book discusses its successful application in areas such as dyes and catalysts... czytaj dalej

Art at the Rockface
Moore Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Artists over the millennia have responded to the geological environment surrounding them and tried to capture something of man's relationship to it. This book examines the ways by which artists have explored... czytaj dalej