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Minisłownik niemiecko-polski i polsko-niemiecki wraz z podstawowymi zwrotami
Monika Mutzke Wydawnictwo: Videograf II

Przystępne słowniczki obejmujące po ok. 5000 najpotrzebniejszych haseł. Każde słowo zostało podane w formie podstawowej wraz z kwalifikatorami gramatycznymi. Do słów sprawiających najwięcej kłopotów fleksyjnych... czytaj dalej

Coming China Wars
Navarro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

China is now the "factory floor" for global production. It sells to the world at the competition-crushing "China Price" and we as consumers benefit greatly. Unfortunately for the world,... czytaj dalej

Possession of Land
Wonnacott Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Nothing is more important in English land law than 'possession'. It is the foundation of all title, rights and remedies. But what exactly is it, and why does it still matter This book is about the meaning,... czytaj dalej

Essential Biology
Campbell,Reece,Mitchell Wydawnictwo: inne

Essential Biology is a brief non-majors biology textbook that combines clear writing, real-world applications, vivid art, and powerful media to teach students the important concepts of biology and give them... czytaj dalej

Essential Cosmic Perspective with Mastering Astronomy
Bennett Wydawnictwo: inne

The Essential Cosmic Perspective, Fourth Edition has been thoroughly revised to include more quantitative coverage, an enhanced illustration and photo program, and an unparalleled new media package. Built from... czytaj dalej

Computational Elasticity
Ameen Wydawnictwo: inne

The book deals with the theory of elasticity and computational solution of its problems. It has two parts. Part A named Theoretical Elasticity describes the mathematical theory and the analytical techniques... czytaj dalej

Vertebrate Endocrinology
Norris Wydawnictwo: inne

One of the only books to discuss all vertebrates, the fourth edition of "Vertebrate Endocrinology" has been completely reorganized and updated to explore the intricate mechanisms that control human... czytaj dalej

3d &4d Ultrasound
K. Ashok Wydawnictwo: inne

Three dimensional (3D) and Real Time three dimensional (4D) ultrasound has changed the way scans are carried out. Such ultrasound techniques have now become acceptable as valuable methods of diagnosis. 3D and... czytaj dalej

Multiple Exposure
Zaya Wydawnictwo: inne

Selected work of the internationally acclaimed young Southafrican artist, Candice Breitz exhibited at the MUSAC from January 20th to May 2nd, 2007. This publication highlights Breitzs contributions to the... czytaj dalej

Menschen in Deutschland. Ein Lesebuch fur Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Borbein Volker Wydawnictwo: Langenscheidt

Zbiór tekstów do czytania dla osób uczących się języka niemieckiego.... czytaj dalej