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CCNP Certification Library
Gough Wydawnictwo: inne

CCNP Certification Library, Third Edition, is a comprehensive, value-priced review and practice self-study package for the four CCNP exams: BSCI, BCMSN, BCRAN, and CIT. The four Exam Certification Guides in... czytaj dalej

Mystery of Flight 427
B. Adair Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The immediate human toll of this 1994 disaster was staggering: all 132 people aboard Flight 427 died on a Pennsylvania hillside. In this volume, Adair explains takes readers behind the scenes to show who makes... czytaj dalej

Nanoparticles for Pharmeceutical Applications
Domb,Y. Tabata,R. Kumar Wydawnictwo: inne

This book covers a broad variety of research topics on the nanoparticles for pharmaceutical applications. The topics such as Nanotechnologies for the Life sciences, Nanoparticles for Oral delivery, Nanoparticles... czytaj dalej

Handbook Of Research On Open Source Software
B. Still Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Handbook of Research on Open Source Software: Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives is one of the few texts to combine OSS in public and private sector activities into a single reference source... czytaj dalej

Perfect Exterior Staining
Philbin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Plenty of how-to books on exterior painting, as well as interior staining, are available, but until now, the do-it-yourselfer or professional had nowhere to turn for comprehensive advice on exterior staining... czytaj dalej

EU Economic Governance & Globalization
M. Campanella Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It is through a gradual evolution, rather than by grand design, that the somewhat fragmented economic policies of the EU now appear to be heading towards a rather more robust and coherent economic governance... czytaj dalej

Mosaic Sourcebook
Locktov Wydawnictwo: inne

A complete reference and instruction guide for mosaic lovers, this title features 17 varied projects for home and garden - from birdbaths and planters to lampshades and mirrors. Clear step-by-step instructions... czytaj dalej

Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
J. Cade Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Even the most experienced clinician cannot be expected to remember all the relevant details of so many and varied uncommon problems of the seriously ill. Some of these problems can be overlooked in even a major... czytaj dalej

American Colonial Ranger (W.#85)
Zaboly Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

This title examines the development of the Colonial Rangers in this period, and shows how they were taught to survive in the woods, to fight hand-to-hand, to scalp a fallen foe, and to fight across all types... czytaj dalej

Anatomical Prin Endo Sinus Surgery
Bradoo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Essential reading for all those just beginning to work in endoscopic sinus surgery, this is an important resource in what is a rapidly progressing field. Clear and well-structured, with a methodical approach... czytaj dalej