
18 MAJA 2023
Chicken wars
Adam Leigh Wydawnictwo: inne

Jack Fogel had always wanted to work in TV, not run the family business. He thought he'd escaped, until his father's heart attack saddled him with Fogel's Kosher Chickens, an operation built by his grandfather... czytaj dalej

15 SIERPNIA 2023
Isla McGuckin Wydawnictwo: inne

April and her mother have been housed in temporary accommodation. Promised a brighter future by her mother, April finds her life there to be filled with things that are old, broken and impersonal. She longs... czytaj dalej

24 SIERPNIA 2023
The Returned
Amanda Cassidy Wydawnictwo: inne

When she re-lives this night, over and over, Nancy will wonder if she’d just gone upstairs a few minutes earlier, what might have been… A devastating fire. A grieving mother. A picture-perfect... czytaj dalej

31 SIERPNIA 2023
The Treatment
Sarah Moorhead Wydawnictwo: inne

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. ‘A wonderful novel. Big ideas wrapped in a plot that moves like a freight train’ Stuart Turton   'Compelling and complex, but still emotionally... czytaj dalej

28 WRZEŚNIA 2023
Jump cut
Helen Grant Wydawnictwo: inne

The Simulacrum is the most famous lost movie in film history – would you tell someone your darkest secrets, just to lay hands on a copy? 104-year-old Mary Arden is the last surviving cast member of a... czytaj dalej