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Key Concepts in Mental Health
D. Pilgrim Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mental Health is a highly contentious concept and an area of study which is often bewildering to new students and trainee practitioners. In this context, Key Concepts in Mental Health provides a much needed... czytaj dalej

RealWorld Evaluation
M. Bamberger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

RealWorld Evaluation addresses the challenges of conducting evaluations where there is not enough money, time, or data - but methodologically sound findings are still needed - and where politics makes... czytaj dalej

Seeing America
M. Searl Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Seeing America" is the first-ever catalog of the University of Rochester Memorial Art Gallery's American collection. Founded in 1913, the Memorial Art Gallery was created in conjunction with the... czytaj dalej

Power and Identity in the Middle Ages
Pryce Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Collecting sixteen thought-provoking new essays by leading medievalists, this volume celebrates the work of the late Rees Davies. Reflecting Davies' interest in identities, political culture and the workings... czytaj dalej

Marxist History-writing for the Twenty-first Century
C. Wickham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since 1989, there have been many claims that Marxist approaches to history are out of date. As the challenge of more recent events shows, however, history has not stopped and historical change continues to... czytaj dalej

Psychology in the Work Context
Z. Bergh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the new edition of the introductory book which contains core material for first- or second-year psychology courses, and other users, discussed in an industrial psychology framework. ... czytaj dalej

Police Innovation
Braga Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Over the last three decades American policing has gone through a period of significant change and innovation. In what is a relatively short historical time frame the police began to reconsider their fundamental... czytaj dalej

Health Psychology 4 vols
J. Weinman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work constitutes the most systematic and complete collection of classical and contemporary published work in "Health Psychology." It draws upon an international range of articles, from leading... czytaj dalej

First 90 Days in Government
P. Daly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

More than 250,000 public sector managers in the United States take on new positions each year and many more aspire to leadership. Each will confront special challenges--from higher public profiles to a greater... czytaj dalej

Social Policy for Nurses & the Helping Professions
Peckham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Social Policy for Nurses and the Caring Professions is one of a series of texts which provide coherent and multi-disciplinary support for all professional groups involved in the provision of health and social... czytaj dalej