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Postcapitalist Politics
J. Gibson-Graham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work presents compelling alternatives to capitalism - and strategies for achieving them. Is there life after capitalism? In this creatively argued follow-up to their book "The End of Capitalism (As... czytaj dalej

Left Out
M. Duberman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Author Martin Duberman argues that identity-based movements - black power, gay liberation, feminism - have created a vital and controversial change in American consciousness. His collection of essays here traces... czytaj dalej

Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell
R. Casemore Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell" provides a short, accessible guide to one of the most popular approaches to counselling. Based on the ideas of Carl Rogers, the approach's main premise is... czytaj dalej

J. Treadwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'This accessibly written book is truly innovative in combining an introduction to key perspectives and topics in criminology with a very student friendly study guide to the problems of researching and writing... czytaj dalej

21st Century Sociology 2 vols
Bryant Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Because the field of sociological inquiry is multi-faceted in perspective, and does subsume a variety of specialty interests, the literature in this discipline has developed and proliferated in a near exponential... czytaj dalej

Making Sense of the Social Word
D. Chambliss Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides an engaging, innovative, and accurate introduction to social research for students who need to understand how social research is done and appreciate the results, but may never do research... czytaj dalej

Investigating the Social World
R. Schutt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Praise for the Fourth Edition: `I think this volume is a good textbook and, if I were teaching a research methods subject, I would consider using it as a core text. The extensive study aids are a particularly... czytaj dalej

Welfare State Reader
C. Pierson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Welfare State Reader" has rapidly established itself as vital source of outstanding original research. In the second edition of this highly respected reader, Pierson and Castles have comprehensively... czytaj dalej

Foucault Sport & Exercise
P. Markula Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It is common for researchers in sport to make reference to Foucault or Foucauldian theory. This text offers an overview of work in this area, and explores the potential of Foucauldian theory to inform the study... czytaj dalej

Group Work & Aging
Graziano Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Although there is a considerable amount of writing on both group work and social work with the elderly, there is surprisingly little about applying this practice method to this specific age group. Group Work... czytaj dalej