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Handbook of New Sexuality Studies
Seidman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the field of sexuality studies has become a growth area in academia and classes on sexuality studies are incorporated into various disciplines, the expanding book market has been filled with specialist oriented... czytaj dalej

Fish on Friday
B. Fagan Wydawnictwo: inne

Fish on Friday tells a new story of the discovery of America. In Brian Fagan's view, that discovery is the product of the long sweep of history: the spread of Christianity and the radical cultural changes it... czytaj dalej

Some British Empiricists in Social Sciences
Richard Stone Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book describes the development of economic, demographic and social statistics in the Brtish Isles from the mid seventeenth century to the end of the nineteenth as represented by the work of twelve pioneers... czytaj dalej

Female Infidelity & Paternal Uncertainty
S. Platek Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Although commonly believed that males are more promiscuous than females, new research has revealed that female infidelity is a common occurrence throughout the animal kingdom. Female Infidelity and Paternal... czytaj dalej

Groups Theory & Experience
Napier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The new edition of Groups reflects the author's unique combination of academic expertise and group consultant experience by including the latest research on group dynamics and the most current views on ways... czytaj dalej

Darwin's Audubon
G. Weissmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Reflections on science, culture, and society, by the acclaimed author of The Woods Hole Cantata and The Doctor with Two Heads. In this retrospective of Gerald Weissmann's best-known essays, the reader is treated... czytaj dalej

Mining Envirnomental Policy
M. Hamilton Wydawnictwo: inne

Illustrated by a detailed comparative examination of mining regulations and environmental impact assessment (EIA) in the USA (the second largest producer of coal in the world) and Indonesia (the eighth largest... czytaj dalej

Law of Armed Conflict
H. Hensel Wydawnictwo: inne

Modern armed conflict has taken a variety of forms and occurs at a variety of levels, raising serious questions concerning the relationship between the law of armed conflict and the reality of contemporary... czytaj dalej

Recognizing Religion in a Secular Society
George Farrow Wydawnictwo:

What does it mean to describe our society as secular? And what role might religion play in its evolution? Are religious considerations a necessary part of coherent speech about human dignity or human rights... czytaj dalej

Crime & Punishment in America Reference Library 4 vols + Pe
Hanes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Covering the evolution of the American criminal justice system throughout history, the four-volume Crime and Punishment in America Reference Library explores everything from juvenile justice to organized crime... czytaj dalej