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The Regesten deutscher Minnesänger ("Regesten": index of the legal content of documents) is a fundamental work for medieval studies and an indispensable instrument for future minnesong research.... czytaj dalej
Presents issues of particular relevance to the region, and explores the potential for improvement both in domestic and international efforts at alleviating the problems of South Asia. ... czytaj dalej
Focusing on research methodology and scientific thinking, Jonathan Brown's Introduction to Social Psychology is a new text that helps students understand the experimental nature of Social Psychology. The text's... czytaj dalej
Koba the Dread is a book about Stalin and the past and present culpability of intellectuals rather than a personal memoir. It's personal to Amis because his father Kingsley became a card-carrying Communist... czytaj dalej
This is the second edition of a key analytical commentary on the competition procedures of the EC, written by a distinguished editor and contributor team with extensive experience in the area. It provides the... czytaj dalej
Bringing together the work of scholars, experts, and established online authors, this comprehensive book offers an analysis of both contemporary Web-based culture and arts and the impact of the Web on international... czytaj dalej
This major new global history of the twentieth century is written by four prominent international historians for first-year undergraduate level and upward. Using their thematic and regional expertise, the... czytaj dalej
This new textbook invites readers to explore their own responses to debates about democracy's meaning. It provides tools for thinking actively about democracy as a practice, an ideal, and a site of contestation... czytaj dalej
Christians traditionally think of Satan as Lucifer, God's enemy, who rebelled against Him out of pride and then caused Adam and Eve to sin. But, as Ansgar Kelly shows, this portrayal is not biblical but a scenario... czytaj dalej
The publication of the complete 7 volume set of The New Cambridge Medieval History is a major landmark in the field of historical publishing. Written by leading international scholars and incorporating the... czytaj dalej