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Political Economy of the Company
Parkinson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Theoretical writing on the company and company law has been dominated in recent years by economics. This collection of essays by a distinguished team of authors drawn from a variety of disciplines seeks to... czytaj dalej

Long Walk to Freedom v.2
Nelson Mandela Wydawnictwo: inne

The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political leader of our time, LONG WALK TO FREEDOM brilliantly recreates the drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela's destiny. From his imprisonment... czytaj dalej

Sir Robert Peel Statesmanship Power & Party
E. Evans Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Drawing on the conclusions of recent research, this book takes a more critical view of Peel's political career than is conventionally offered. It argues that, although Peel was an efficient administrator and... czytaj dalej

Middle Ages v.4
W. Jordan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written specifically for the student, this set covers every aspect of medieval life from A.D. 500 to 1500. The list of entries was compiled from the 5,000 articles in the 13-volume Dictionary of the Middle... czytaj dalej

Dispatches from Weimar Republic
Morgan Price Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The period immediately following World War I was one of great turbulence in German society. The widespread dislocation throughout the country following its defeat in the war left the German morale crushed;... czytaj dalej

Memory of Body
J. Kott Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Kott, an emigre professor and Shakespeare scholar who came to the United States from Poland in 1966, regards the subjects of his essays from an atypical perspective of an outsider but also of an intellectual... czytaj dalej

Political History of America's Wars
Axelrod Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Political History of America's Wars is the first reference work to explore the legislative, social, and policy aspects of America's major wars, rebellions, and insurrections. This new volume weaves together... czytaj dalej

Old Testament Pseudepigrapha v.1 Apocalyptic Literature & Te
J. Charlesworth Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The writers of the Bible depended on other sources for much of their work. Some of these sources may be lost forever, but many have recently come to light. Known as the pseudepigrapha, they are made available here in volumes.... czytaj dalej

Shade of Sword Jihad & the Conflict
M. Akbar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Shade of Swords is the first cohesive history of Jihad, written by one of India's leading journalists and writers. In this paperback edition, updated to show how and why Saddam Hussein repositioned himself... czytaj dalej

British Civilization
Oakland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The sixth edition of this highly praised textbook has been rigorously updated and revised. British Civilization provides a comprehensive introduction to a wide range of aspects of today's Britain, including... czytaj dalej