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This book aims to document and illustrate the major developments in the use of nematodes for biological control of insects and slugs. It has three major sections covering entomopathogenic nematodes, entomophilic... czytaj dalej
Neither a descriptive chronicle of dates, nor a catalogue of devices and systems, this volume uncovers the decisive factors including the technical, political, social and economic, that have enabled modern... czytaj dalej
Work at the biology bench requires an ever-increasing knowledge of mathematical methods and formulae. In "Lab Math", Dany Spencer Adams has compiled the most common mathematical concepts and methods... czytaj dalej
Sugar chains (glycans) are often attached to proteins and lipids and have multiple roles in the organization and function of all organisms. They participate in activities as diverse as protein folding, leukocyte... czytaj dalej
This substantial text provides researchers with detailed descriptions of laboratory methods used to prepare proteins for proteomic analysis using chromatography and electrophoresis. Six chapters are also included... czytaj dalej
This new edition provides an up-to-date survey of the current exciting state of telomere biology. Telomeres-specialized structures, found at the ends of chromosomes - are essential for maintaining the integrity... czytaj dalej
The current volume is 6 (2001).Includes research from academia, government laboratories, and industryContains high calibre papers which have been extensively reviewedContinues the tradition of presenting not... czytaj dalej
The education of children with multiple disabilities is concerned with improving their quality of life and finding ways to overcome and remove barriers to learning. The law indicates a move towards equal opportunities... czytaj dalej
The results from this research affirmed the fact that inactivation of microorganisms by chemical disinfectants is influenced by disinfection, microbial, and water quality factors and the various interactions... czytaj dalej
Written with the health student in mind, the authors of "Foundations in Microbiology" use common, everyday analogies to explain the many difficult microbiology concepts. Unlike any other allied health... czytaj dalej