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Mathematical Modeling can be compared to the Swiss Army knife: a multitude of useful tools to get the job done. Readers can explore applications of geometry to solve such questions as: How are long strands... czytaj dalej
This volume is concerned with recently developed physics and materials for semiconductor and photonic devices. It discusses visible light emitters and lasers that use polymers and II-VI compounds, photonic... czytaj dalej
This series, well-known for accessibility and for a student-friendly approach, has a wealth of features: worked examples, activities, investigations, graded exercises, Key Points summaries and Discussion Points... czytaj dalej
The only introduction into the exciting chemistry of Lanthanides and Actinides. The book is based on a number of courses on "f elements" The author has a long experience in teaching this field of... czytaj dalej
This fully updated second volume of the highly successful WWRF Book of Visions is a unique and timely book, presenting up-to-the-minute ideas and trends in mobile communications. This is a comprehensive single... czytaj dalej
Since its inception in the early 1950s, this work has become the "bible" for those who need to evaluate the hazard of substances used in commerce. It is the only reference that combines, for so many... czytaj dalej
The study of droplets and sprays has developed rapidly over the past two decades because of their many important applications, from automobile engine combustion to drug aerosols. This book addresses the complex... czytaj dalej
This is the first dedicated, in-depth account of trophoblast: the tissue derived from the fertilized egg that nourishes and protects the developing fetus. The cells of the trophoblast have many unique qualities... czytaj dalej
The theme of the book is the distribution and abundance of organisms in space and time. The core of the book lies in how local births and deaths are tied to emigration and immigration processes, and how environmental... czytaj dalej
Illustrating the many ways that structural engineers can bring their creativity and innovation to contribute to the design of the best buildings, this book presents the full value of the engineer in helping... czytaj dalej