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The improvement of urban schools is one of the major challenges facing practitioners and policy-makers today. Issues related to poverty create particular difficulties in urban schools, and the emphasis on market-led... czytaj dalej
This major text for Education Studies students provides a critical account of key issues in education today. The text features: A critical analysis of key issues in Education Studies to encourage students'... czytaj dalej
Książka składa się z trech części. Pierwsza dotyczy aproksymacyjnych algorytmów kombinatorycznych dla wielu ważnych problemów, druga - zastosowania programowania liniowego w projektowaniu algorytmów aproksymacyjnych... czytaj dalej
The Immune Response is a unique reference work covering the basic and clinical principles of immunology in a modern and comprehensive fashion. Written in an engaging conversational style, the book conveys the... czytaj dalej
Many physical processes in fields such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism or optics are described by means of partial differential equations. The aim of the present book is to demontstrate... czytaj dalej
The central theme of this volume is the contemporary mathematics of geometry and physics, but the work also discusses the problem of the secondary structure of proteins, and an overview of arc complexes with... czytaj dalej
This volume describes in detail the technique of molecular orbital calculations for biochemistry. The level of presentation will be accessible to biochemists and biophysicists.... czytaj dalej
Interdisciplinary knowledge is becoming more and more important to the modern scientist. This textbook covers bioanalytical chemistry (mainly the analysis of proteins and DNA) and explains everything for the... czytaj dalej
This text is intended for undergraduates studying power system analysis and design. It gives an introduction to fundamental concepts and modern topics with applications to real-world problems. This is the first... czytaj dalej
Tables, graphs and solutions
Numerous problems commonly encountered in engineering practice
Each chapter organized in quick reference fashion to well-defined topics
Written by specialists in the fi...
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