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This text is intended for undergraduates studying power system analysis and design. It gives an introduction to fundamental concepts and modern topics with applications to real-world problems. This is the first... czytaj dalej
Complete annotation of 802.16 specification
WiMAX Quality of Service (QoS)
WiMAX security
WiMAX and Wi-Fi
WiMAX and VoIP...
czytaj dalej
This interactive, easy-to-use general microbiology CD-ROM helps students actively explore and understand microbial structure and function through audio, video, animations, illustrations, and text. The CD is... czytaj dalej
The oceans are vitally important to an understanding of how the Earth works as an integrated system because its chemical composition records transfer of elements through the Earth's geochemical reservoirs as... czytaj dalej
This book gives a coherent and detailed description of analytical methods devised to study random matrices. These methods are critical to the understanding of various fields in in mathematics and mathematical... czytaj dalej
For junior/senior-level and first-year graduate students.This text provides students with the necessary foundation for understanding both design and manufacturing, via the selection of appropriate topics and... czytaj dalej
Since the first edition of the Handbook of Microwave and Optical Components was published more than a decade ago, numerous changes have taken place in the microwave and optical arena -- mainly due to rapid... czytaj dalej
The last 20 years of the 20th century have seen a change in the perception of solid state chemistry, in particular the scientific significance of understanding the relationship between chemical structure and... czytaj dalej
The application of composite materials in structural industrial components of large volume production is strongly growing year by year due to both increase in the demand and continuous improvements in the... czytaj dalej
Minimization of power dissipation in very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits is important to improve reliability and reduce packaging costs. While many techniques have investigated power minimization during... czytaj dalej