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How do hurricanes form? Where is the worlds hottest location? Which American city has the largest average snowfall? Readers can find facts on major hurricanes and typhoons of recent decades and the tracks they... czytaj dalej
Volume II/28 is a supplemented and revised edition of the preceding volumes II/7, II/15, II/21, II/23 and II/25, containing up to date information on the geometric parameters (internuclear distances, bond angles... czytaj dalej
Fizyka otoczek wokółgwiazdowych Teoria widma liniowego i rozpędzania wiatrów.Zamierzeniem autora jest zapoznanie czytelnika z podstawami teoretycznymi niezbędnymi do czytania publikacji naukowych z dziedziny... czytaj dalej
Przedstawiona w książce metoda (ang. skrót SADSF) służy do rozwiązywania zadań kształtowania elementów konstrukcji, które spotyka się we wstępnej fazie projektowania, gdy dane są tylko warunki brzegowe, a o... czytaj dalej
Like its predecessor "Lab Ref, Volume 1", this book is a handy benchtop source of recipes and information needed for common laboratory protocols. "Lab Ref, Volume 2" contains recipes for... czytaj dalej
This volume covers the first full year of experimental design topics at the beginning graduate level with a well balanced, down-to-earth, and complete presentation, covering both design and analysis equally... czytaj dalej
This is a concise reference on satellite technology, which covers in one volume both the technological as well as the application aspects of satellites and the related topics. The text explains satellite technology... czytaj dalej
This timely book is exactly what modern schools need, blending Fullans theoretical genius about change with practical strategies that can work in any school. Readers will discover that it is practical, easy... czytaj dalej
A practical summary of the technological as well as physiological properties attained through the targeted selection of raw materials and the corresponding production processes. The two authors come from the... czytaj dalej
This work delivers practical strategies for bringing more discourse into lesson plans, and provides teachers with a powerful way to raise standards in the classroom. ... czytaj dalej