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Written with the health student in mind, the authors of "Foundations in Microbiology" use common, everyday analogies to explain the many difficult microbiology concepts. Unlike any other allied health... czytaj dalej
Nowatorska metoda nauki ? rozumiesz i mówisz po niemiecku: - wystarczy 15 minut dziennie, żeby nauczyć się mówić po niemiecku; - specjalna metoda wizualna sprawia, że uczysz się szybko, skutecznie i z przyjemnością;... czytaj dalej
Never before has it been so critical for lab workers to possess the proper tools and methodologies necessary to determine the structure, function, and expression of the corresponding proteins encoded in the... czytaj dalej
Wydawany regularnie od 1990 roku rocznik (od tomu VII wyłącznie po angielsku) jest zapisem bieżących prac wykopaliskowych prowadzonych przez misje Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW w kilku krajach północno... czytaj dalej
"Essential Creativity" is about giving all children the opportunity to fulfil their potential. It is about developing real partnerships between parents, teachers, businesses and the community, identifying... czytaj dalej
Volume II/28 is a supplemented and revised edition of the preceding volumes II/7, II/15, II/21, II/23 and II/25, containing up to date information on the geometric parameters (internuclear distances, bond angles... czytaj dalej
Like its predecessor "Lab Ref, Volume 1", this book is a handy benchtop source of recipes and information needed for common laboratory protocols. "Lab Ref, Volume 2" contains recipes for... czytaj dalej
This is a concise reference on satellite technology, which covers in one volume both the technological as well as the application aspects of satellites and the related topics. The text explains satellite technology... czytaj dalej
This timely book is exactly what modern schools need, blending Fullans theoretical genius about change with practical strategies that can work in any school. Readers will discover that it is practical, easy... czytaj dalej
Reviews of the first edition 'In addition to expected information about developmental stages and caregiver response, Duffy discusses diversity and accessibility issues that affect children's response to opportunities... czytaj dalej