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Florence APA Pocket Guides
C. Catling Wydawnictwo: inne

This fully revised and up-graded travel guide to Florence incorporates a full-size, pull-out map. This indexed map can be used in conjunction with the book's itineraries or independently. The book contains... czytaj dalej

Best of Venice 2e
Damien Simonis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Refined information to help you make the most of a quick trip away - The Times Graceful palaces and Gothic churches, High Renaissance art and high tides - the unique romance of Venice never fails to captivate... czytaj dalej

Hip Hotels UK
Ypma Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For this latest addition to the "HIP Hotels" series, Herbert Ypma has journeyed almost 4,000 miles in search of that special combination of authenticity and style that defines a HIP Hotel. His travels... czytaj dalej

W ojczyźnie Majów
Jan Gać Wydawnictwo: WAM

Po kulturowej podróży do Grecji i w rejon Indian Guarani w Ameryce Południowej, autor Kulturowego Przewodnika po Grecji bizantyńskiej i albumu Raj utracony zaprasza Czytelnika w inny rejon świata - tym razem... czytaj dalej

Alexander Jordan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This Insider's Guide differs from conventional guidebooks, which merely provide a list of hotels and museums. Instead, it tells you how to get to know the people as well as the sights, and how to make the best... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Texas 2e
Barbara Dunn,Janet Edwards,Stephan Myers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

20 sites, including inland, coastal and offshore sites. Dive highlights: Oil rig platforms, lakes, shipwrecks, Flower Gardens National Marine Sanctuary.... czytaj dalej

Samoa TSK 3e
Dorinda Talbot,Deanna Swaney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The islands of Samoa offer two cultures in one, where traditional Polynesian customs nudge the American dream. This comprehensive guide can take you to a village for an earth-based Sunday roast, through mangrove... czytaj dalej

Great Lakes TSK 1e
R. Ver Berkmoes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide to the Great Lakes states covers everything from national parks to cosmopolitan crossroads. Whether you're exploring country roads in search of Americana, dipping a paddle into Minnesota's famed... czytaj dalej

China IG
T. Larimer Wydawnictwo: inne

This guide includes a section detailing China's history, eight features covering aspects of the country's life and culture, ranging from traditional medicine to ornate pagodas; a region by region visitor's... czytaj dalej

Ireland TSK 7e
Davenport Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Buy all 3 and save! A TASTE OF IRELAND Ireland + Dublin + World Food Ireland Also: Inside Ireland: Ireland + Best of Dublin + Jaywalking with the Irish The very mention of Ireland never illicits a ho-hum... czytaj dalej