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Turkey TSK 9e
Jean-Bernard Carillet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Buy all 3 and save! TURKEY TRAVEL PACK Istanbul + Turkey + Turkish phrasebook Also: A taste of Turkey: Turkey + Turkish phrasebook + World Food Turkey Get subterranean in the cavernous underground cities... czytaj dalej

Dziedzictwo artystyczne Żagania
Czechowicz Bogusław, Konopnicka Małgorzata (red.) Wydawnictwo: inne

Materiały z sesji naukowej zorganizowanej w ramach badań nad spuścizną artystyczną poświęconej sztuce Żagania.... czytaj dalej

Tasmania TSK 3e
Paul Smitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide provides travellers on any budget with the information needed to get around in Tasmania, covering history, culture, flora and fauna, accommodation, language, local cuisine and health and safety.... czytaj dalej

Canada IG
H. Cunningham Wydawnictwo: inne

This updated travel guide to Canada contains numerous photographs, additional essays and an expanded section of travel tips. A team of local writers provides insights into the second-largest country in the... czytaj dalej

Samoan Islands TSK 4e
Bennet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Samoan Islands offer two cultures in one: traditional independent Samoa in the west, and modern American Samoa to the east. With this comprehensive guide to both territories, your stay in either one will... czytaj dalej

Jewish Travel Guide 2002
Zainder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For many years "The Jewish Travel Guide" has been essential reading for all Jewish travellers. As the world gets ever smaller and more places become accessible they, like everyone else, are expanding... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Bonaire 1e
Jerry Schnabel,Susan Swygert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

40 dive sites around Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Dive Highlights: Best Caribbean shore dives, Klein Bonaire, Washington Slagbaii National Park dives.... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Vanuatu 1e
Bob Bowdey,Judy Beaty,Brian Ansell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

30 dive sites in Port Vila and the outer islands, including Espiritu Santo, Tanna, Tongoa, Malekula, Pentecost, Tutuba, Malo, Sakao, Mota and Reef Islands. Dive highlights: WWII wrecks, including the world's... czytaj dalej

Trans-Siberian Railway TSK 2e
M. Elliott Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Buy all 4 and save! TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY OVERLAND PACK Mandarin phrasebook + Russian phrasebook + Trans-Siberian Railway + Travel Journal (Colour Cover) The only guidebook you'll need on this epic train... czytaj dalej

New Orleans City Guide 4e
Tom Downs Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first up to date independent guide to New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina in AUgust 2005. A special chapter dedicated to hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, with extensive coverage if the affected neighbourhoods. ... czytaj dalej