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Go on, discover Spain! With its rugged sierras, hilltop villages, sun-drenched beaches and magnificent cities, Spain is a country that loves to be explored. Whether you want to marvel at the Alhambra, sunbathe... czytaj dalej
„Ci, którzy odwiedzili polskie albergue na Monte do Gozo w ostatnich latach zapewne spotkali autorkę tej książki podczas prelekcji dla pielgrzymów czy pracy w schronisku. Książka powstawała... czytaj dalej
Including Mont St-Michel (even though it's in Normandy), this guide gives you the lowdown on local cuisine - from crepes bretonne to homard a l'amoricaine - shopping, the art and architecture of local churches... czytaj dalej
This updated guide of Vietnam captures a country which is now firmly back on the tourist and business map. It has much to offer and is tipped to be the new tourist destination of the region, welcoming 60,000... czytaj dalej
This quaint and refreshing guide is an appealing amalgam of practical information, historical curiosities, and romantic forays into Polish culture. The major cities, regions, and recreations are described with... czytaj dalej
30 dive sites in Port Vila and the outer islands, including Espiritu Santo, Tanna, Tongoa, Malekula, Pentecost, Tutuba, Malo, Sakao, Mota and Reef Islands. Dive highlights: WWII wrecks, including the world's... czytaj dalej
Refined information to help you make the most of a quick trip away - The Times Graceful palaces and Gothic churches, High Renaissance art and high tides - the unique romance of Venice never fails to captivate... czytaj dalej
Po kulturowej podróży do Grecji i w rejon Indian Guarani w Ameryce Południowej, autor Kulturowego Przewodnika po Grecji bizantyńskiej i albumu Raj utracony zaprasza Czytelnika w inny rejon świata - tym razem... czytaj dalej
This comprehensive guide to Vanuatu is packed with advice for travellers on all budgets. Get the most out of the archipelago's many attractions, from the alluring capital of Port Vila to the white-sand beaches... czytaj dalej
This is an account of travels around the world - in Africa, America, Australia and Europe - to discover the significance of great cliffs and outcrops, to see at first hand how people have lived in their shadows... czytaj dalej