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Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Gape at the icebergs looming over your ship, stand awestruck in the midst of a teeming penguin colony, or glimpse a minke whale surfacing next to your Zodiac - Antarctica... czytaj dalej
Flat on you back on the hotel bed, you ponder the arrow on the ceiling. Does it point past the minarets to the babbling pasar malam, fragrant with fruit and loud with language? Will it lead you to the shadowy... czytaj dalej
Rozmówki niezbędne dla podróżnych i turystów. Zawierają zwroty i wyrażenia uporządkowane według sytuacji, z którymi styka się podróżny na granicy, w hotelu, w restauracji, u lekarza itd. Podręczny słowniczek... czytaj dalej
Lonely Planet's guide to Fiji covers all aspects of this most-popular of Pacific Island travel destinations. Bula and welcome to the diverse islands of Fiji! There are white-sandy islands here perfect for... czytaj dalej
When Brian de Jongh's two classic Companion Guides, Southern Greece and Mainland Greece, were first published they were greeted with acclaim and immediately established themselves as the essential guides to... czytaj dalej
Portugal has a wonderfully long history and great variations in landscape and character. And this book has a terrific selection of special places. There are modern homes, full of light and space and old houses... czytaj dalej
Marvel at spectacular fjords and dramatic glaciers, discover vast wildernesses and thrill to exhilarating outdoor activities - Norway is every nature lover's dream destination. Whether you're exploring diverse... czytaj dalej
Relacja z 32 miesięcy żeglugi jedynego polskiego jachtu, który dwukrotnie okrążył ziemski glob, niecodzienne obserwacje przyrodnicze i opisy spotkań z Polonią na trzech kontynentach.... czytaj dalej
Hong Kong cuisine is the world in your mouth. Emperors have all brought ingredients to this culinary microcosm. And in turn Hong Kong has given the world the flavours of the orient, the occident and all in... czytaj dalej
One of the Caribbean's most inviting destinations, Puerto Rico offers unspoiled diving in crystal-clear waters. Jump into easy dive and snorkel sites around Culebra and Vieques, the 'Spanish Virgin Islands... czytaj dalej