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Norway TSK 3e
Anthony Ham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Marvel at spectacular fjords and dramatic glaciers, discover vast wildernesses and thrill to exhilarating outdoor activities - Norway is every nature lover's dream destination. Whether you're exploring diverse... czytaj dalej

Vancouver City Guide 3e
Zimmerman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cycle the wilds of Stanley Park, gawk at towering First Nations crest poles or even get nekkid at Wreck Beach - no matter where you go, Vancouver is the envy of the Pacific Northwest. Scale the heights of... czytaj dalej

Spain TSK 5e
Andrews Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Go on, discover Spain! With its rugged sierras, hilltop villages, sun-drenched beaches and magnificent cities, Spain is a country that loves to be explored. Whether you want to marvel at the Alhambra, sunbathe... czytaj dalej

Switzerland TSK 3e
M. Honan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Whether skiing the Alpine slopes, mingling at the Montreux Jazz Festival or castle-crawling around the Bernese Oberland, this comprehensive guide to Switzerland and Liechtenstein reveals a culture and a landscape... czytaj dalej

Shanghai city guide 3e
Damian Harper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

....From People's Sq metro station (exit No 2), start by walking west up Renmin Ave. Immediately on the right is the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, completed in 2000. In addition to the sign urging... czytaj dalej

Looking Up in Edinburgh
J. Peyton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Looking Up in Edinburgh is a photographic guide to what is usually an ignored aspect of the urban landscape: the surprising, witty and often hidden architectural features above eye-level.It is an interactive... czytaj dalej

Sydney. Metropolie świata
Klaus Viedebantt, Hauke Dre Wydawnictwo: Bellona

W książce znajdziemy podstawowe wiadomości dotyczące miasta - jego historię, kontekst kulturowy, intelektualny i artystyczny. Obok tego informacje na temat obyczajów współczesnych mieszkańców Sydney. Turyście... czytaj dalej

Najpiękniejsze polskie szczyty
Kurbacz Janusz Wydawnictwo: Muza

20 najpiękniejszych szczytów górskich, najciekawsze trasy turystyczne, wybrane drogi taternickie, baza noclegowa.... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling British Virgin Islands 2e
M. Handler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Comprising some 40 islands and cays in the northeast corner of the Caribbean, the British Virgin Islands are low-key and uncommercial. Topside, they offer lush subtropical forests and endless pristine beaches... czytaj dalej

Netherlands IG 3e
Christopher Catling Wydawnictwo: inne

A new title in the INSIGHT series of travel guides, covering the history and peoples of the Netherlands, with routes taking in places of interest and details of local festivals and other events.... czytaj dalej