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D. Craig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is an account of travels around the world - in Africa, America, Australia and Europe - to discover the significance of great cliffs and outcrops, to see at first hand how people have lived in their shadows... czytaj dalej

Best of Venice 2e
Damien Simonis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Refined information to help you make the most of a quick trip away - The Times Graceful palaces and Gothic churches, High Renaissance art and high tides - the unique romance of Venice never fails to captivate... czytaj dalej

Vancouver City Guide 3e
Zimmerman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cycle the wilds of Stanley Park, gawk at towering First Nations crest poles or even get nekkid at Wreck Beach - no matter where you go, Vancouver is the envy of the Pacific Northwest. Scale the heights of... czytaj dalej

East Asia IG
Scott Rutherford Wydawnictwo: inne

An updated edition of an INSIGHT GUIDE to East Asia, focusing on five destinations: Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. Includes maps, practical travel information and cultural and historical background. ... czytaj dalej

Krótka historia Japonii. Od samurajów do Sony
Curt Andressen Wydawnictwo: Dialog

Japonia to kraj sprzeczności i skrajności: kraj zwyczajów starych jak świat i nowoczesnych technologii, silnych tradycji wojskowych i wyrafinowanych dokonań artystycznych. Japończycy są narodem wyspiarskim... czytaj dalej

Estonia Latvia & Lithuania TSK 4e
N. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Complete, practical guide for independent travellers. Covers all aspects of Baltic life including culture, history, beaches, activities, eating, nature and big sights.... czytaj dalej

Netherlands IG 3e
Christopher Catling Wydawnictwo: inne

A new title in the INSIGHT series of travel guides, covering the history and peoples of the Netherlands, with routes taking in places of interest and details of local festivals and other events.... czytaj dalej

Ireland TSK 7e
Davenport Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Buy all 3 and save! A TASTE OF IRELAND Ireland + Dublin + World Food Ireland Also: Inside Ireland: Ireland + Best of Dublin + Jaywalking with the Irish The very mention of Ireland never illicits a ho-hum... czytaj dalej

Hip Hotels UK
Ypma Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For this latest addition to the "HIP Hotels" series, Herbert Ypma has journeyed almost 4,000 miles in search of that special combination of authenticity and style that defines a HIP Hotel. His travels... czytaj dalej

Kenya TSK 5e
Joe Bindloss,Parkinson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Kenya is 2.5 times the size of the United Kingdom. This travel survival guide contains information required for a journey round Kenya. It provides various maps and indispensable advice to help you on your way.... czytaj dalej