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Podróże przewodnik po najpiękniejszych miejscach świata
Man John Schuler Chris Wydawnictwo: Elipsa

Jest to książka zarówno dla nieustraszonych odkrywców, jak i wędrowców wyobraźni nie wstających z foteli. Stanowi ona inspirujący przewodnik po 50 najbardziej malowniczych miejscach świata. Są wśród nich takie... czytaj dalej

Fiji TSK 7e
J. Vaisutis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Lonely Planet's guide to Fiji covers all aspects of this most-popular of Pacific Island travel destinations. Bula and welcome to the diverse islands of Fiji! There are white-sandy islands here perfect for... czytaj dalej

Tate Wydawnictwo: inne

Why go to Ireland when you can get just as wet in Wales, as drunk in Doncaster and as happy in Honolulu? Let me explain. It is first of all a country of poets. Indeed, Irishmen play upon their language as we... czytaj dalej

Jewish Heritage Travel Revised Edition
Ruth Gruber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a revised and updated edition of a guide to the rich cultural heritage of East-Central Europe. A combined travel guide and historical tour of Jewish culture, the book contains a wealth of historical... czytaj dalej

D. Craig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is an account of travels around the world - in Africa, America, Australia and Europe - to discover the significance of great cliffs and outcrops, to see at first hand how people have lived in their shadows... czytaj dalej

World Food Hong Kong 1e
Richard Sterling Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hong Kong cuisine is the world in your mouth. Emperors have all brought ingredients to this culinary microcosm. And in turn Hong Kong has given the world the flavours of the orient, the occident and all in... czytaj dalej

Brittany TSK 1e
Neil Wilson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Including Mont St-Michel (even though it's in Normandy), this guide gives you the lowdown on local cuisine - from crepes bretonne to homard a l'amoricaine - shopping, the art and architecture of local churches... czytaj dalej

Carey Wydawnictwo: inne

There is no history of bed and breakfast in Italy as there is in Britain; the Italian breakfast of a diminutive cup of coffee quickly slugged back with a sweet pastry hardly makes a satisfying meal, but this... czytaj dalej

Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
Zimmerman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a comprehensive first-edition guide to Canada's most rugged, historical, charming region. It includes tailored itineraries and themed walking tours. It contains Getting Started chapter for holiday planning... czytaj dalej

Gap Year Book
Joe Bindloss Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Given the choice between stressful exams or job interviews and the endless white sand of an Australian beach, what would you choose? Be the first in your family to go around the world Swim with dolphins off... czytaj dalej