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Africa Healthy Travel 1e
Isabelle Young Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Getting the most out of your travels means staying healthy. Healthy Travel Africa is a user-friendly guide to minimising health risks for travellers to all parts of Africa, including Egypt.Written by Dr Isabelle... czytaj dalej

World Food Caribbean 1e
B. Geddes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The islands of the Caribbean are home to a cuisine as diverse as it is delectable. Fertile soil and bountiful seas provide inter-island as well as regional specialties, and this guide will usher you to each... czytaj dalej

Malay Phrasebook 2e
Anita Ramly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Flat on you back on the hotel bed, you ponder the arrow on the ceiling. Does it point past the minarets to the babbling pasar malam, fragrant with fruit and loud with language? Will it lead you to the shadowy... czytaj dalej

Rozmówki polsko-niemieckie
Ingeborg Borysiuk Wydawnictwo: Rea

Rozmówki niezbędne dla podróżnych i turystów. Zawierają zwroty i wyrażenia uporządkowane według sytuacji, z którymi styka się podróżny na granicy, w hotelu, w restauracji, u lekarza itd. Podręczny słowniczek... czytaj dalej

New England TSK 3e
Randall Peffer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide details the best spots for hiking, skiing, kayaking, biking, whale watching and sailing. It also offers information on historic sites from the Freedom Trail to the Concord and Lexington battlefields... czytaj dalej

Companion Guide to Mainland Greece
Brian de Jongh Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When Brian de Jongh's two classic Companion Guides, Southern Greece and Mainland Greece, were first published they were greeted with acclaim and immediately established themselves as the essential guides to... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Puerto Rico 2e
Steve Simonsen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One of the Caribbean's most inviting destinations, Puerto Rico offers unspoiled diving in crystal-clear waters. Jump into easy dive and snorkel sites around Culebra and Vieques, the 'Spanish Virgin Islands... czytaj dalej

Vietnam IG
Tim Larimer Wydawnictwo: inne

This updated guide of Vietnam captures a country which is now firmly back on the tourist and business map. It has much to offer and is tipped to be the new tourist destination of the region, welcoming 60,000... czytaj dalej

Miami IG 2e
Joann Biondi Wydawnictwo: inne

This updated guide to Miami, Florida features contributions from local writers who reveal the attractions the city has for visitors, from night-blooming jasmine and orange blossoms and a mix of cultures. It... czytaj dalej

Antarctica TSK 3e
Peter Carey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Gape at the icebergs looming over your ship, stand awestruck in the midst of a teeming penguin colony, or glimpse a minke whale surfacing next to your Zodiac - Antarctica... czytaj dalej