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Great War Breakthroughs
H. Turtledove Wydawnictwo: inne

Is it the war to end all wars - or war without end? It is 1917, and the United States are fighting a war on two fronts. In the north, from the Pacific to Quebec, US forces in the air and on land are locked... czytaj dalej

Wailing Wind
Tony Hillerman Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Officer Bernadette Manuelito found the dead man slumped over in the cab of a blue pickup abandoned in a dry gulch off a dirt road -- with a rich ex-con's phone number in his pocket ... and a tobacco tin nearly... czytaj dalej

R. Harris Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Present-day Russia is the setting for this stunning new novel from Robert Harris, author of the bestsellers Fatherland and Enigma.        Archangel tells the story of four days in the life of Fluke Kelso, a... czytaj dalej

White Gold
G. Milton Wydawnictwo: inne

Subtitled "The Forgotten Story Of North Africa's One Million European Slaves". An extraordinary and shocking story detailing the thousands of Europeans who were snatched from their homes and taken... czytaj dalej

Rosary Girls A Novel
R. Montanari Wydawnictwo: inne

A specialist in serial killer tales (Kiss of Evil, etc.) offers the gory first in a projected series. A religious nut is preying on Catholic schoolgirls, picking them off with impunity while Philadelphia detective... czytaj dalej

Grrr a Book About Big Cats
G. Berer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An introduction to the big cats including lions, tigers, cheetahs, jaguars, and leopards.... czytaj dalej

Walking the Shadows
D. James Wydawnictwo: inne

His past was a lie - his present a mystery. There is a drowned village in the South of France called St Juste, a village where secrets were buried in the Second World War; a village swiftly coming back into... czytaj dalej

Night Before Christmas
White Wydawnictwo: inne

TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS is a magical, musical adaptation of the well-known nineteenth century rhyme of the same name. This heart-warming tale brings the magic of Christmas to life in a fantastically... czytaj dalej

French Songbook for Beginners
Balazard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a collection of traditional French s ongs which will entertain all young singers while helping th em to learn French words. This book contains words and music for more than 25 songs as well as pronunciation... czytaj dalej

Pod gwiaździstym niebem
Zechenter Spławińska Elżbieta Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Literackie

Autorski wybór wierszy krakowskiej poetki, prozaiczki i tłumaczki pokazuje ewolucję artystyczną jej poezjopisarstwa - od debiutu książkowego pt. "Epitafium dla biedronki" (1962) po nowe, nie publikowane... czytaj dalej