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Campion Jane, Pullinger Kate Wydawnictwo: inne

"George, moje serce należy do Ciebie" - to sekretne przesłanie kobiety, która nie mówi - do mężczyzny, który nie umie czytać. Główna bohaterka zamyka się w milczeniu i silą własnej woli staje się... czytaj dalej

Worldwar Striking the Balance
H. Turtledove Wydawnictwo: inne

Alien beings invade the Earth in the middle of World War II, forcing Allied and Axis powers to cease their own fight and unite against this new enemy. As the aliens unleash nuclear weapons, humans resort to... czytaj dalej

Our Game
J. LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

Another dropout from the business of spying for le Carre, this time in the form of recently retired spymaster, Tim Cranmer. Settling in the Somerset countryside with his inamorata, Emma, Cranmer is through... czytaj dalej

T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Being trained by the Assassin's Guild in Ankh-Morpork did not fit Teppic for the task assigned to him by fate. He inherited the throne of the desert kingdom of Djelibeybi rather earlier than he expected (his... czytaj dalej

Berlin Blues
S. Regener Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

It's 1989 and, whenever he isn't hanging out in the local bars, Herr Lehmann lives entirely free of responsibility in the bohemian Berlin district of Kreuzberg. Through years of judicious sidestepping and heroic... czytaj dalej

Christ the Lord Out of Egypt
A. Rice Wydawnictwo: inne

Presents the story of Jesus, the boy who was born to be King of the Jews, the 'ultimate supernatural hero, the ultimate outsider, and the ultimate immortal'. The story opens in cosmopolitan Alexandria where... czytaj dalej

Getting the Boot
P. Strauss Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Studying abroad isn#8217;t at all like Kelly thought it would be. Instead of shopping for fine Italian leather and living in an apartment with a view of the Colosseum, she is stuck in a stuffy dorm room with... czytaj dalej

Star Wars Diplomatic Corps Entrance Exam
K. Rusch Wydawnictwo: inne

WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD LIFE-FORMSNow, take the ultimate test that separates the Jedi from the jetsam!ATTENTION APPLICANTS:By taking this exam you are expressing your genuine desire to join the proud ranks... czytaj dalej

Finding Peggy Glasgow Childhood
Meg Henderson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Scottish journalist Meg Henderson grew up in Glasgow during the fifties and sixties as part of a large, often troubled, family. The tenement block in which they lived collapsed and they were moved to the notorious... czytaj dalej

Adventures of Ulysses
B. Evslin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Grade 7 Up-George Guidall, the Michael Jordan of audiobook narrators, provides a marvelous rendition of Bernard Evslin's young adult classic retelling of The Odyssey (Scholastic, 1966, pap. 1989). Following... czytaj dalej