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Spooked Science of Fear
S. Funston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Revealing the truth behind vampires, witches, UFOs and ghosts, this book uses simple science to explain why we fear things, and what reactions go on in our brains and bodies. It also shows that there is a basis... czytaj dalej

Romantic Image
Kermode Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For the past four decades Frank Kermode, critic and writer, has steadily established himself as one of the most brilliant minds of his generation. Questioning the public's harsh perception of 'the artist',... czytaj dalej

Bromeliad Trilogy Diggers
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

The Bromeliad trilogy, begun in Truckers , continues with this slapstick romp laced with some sharp, satirical barbs. Diggers again features the nomes, little people from outer space who have set up housekeeping... czytaj dalej

Who the Man
Lynch Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Earl got big. Or did big get Earl? Earl Pryor is the biggest thirteen-year-old anyone ever saw. He's taller than a lot of grown-ups. He's got a hairy chest. He shaves. Everyone thinks Earl's such a tough-guy... czytaj dalej

Sword of Honour
Kent Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In March 1814, Admiral Sir Richard Bolitho returns to England from several months on the North American coast. The news of Napolean's defeat and abdication has stunned a navy and a nation bled by years of European conflict. ... czytaj dalej

Magic Tree House Research Guide #1 Dinosaurs
W. Osborne Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Who invented the word dinosaur? What was the name of the biggest dinosaur? This book includes everything you ever wanted to know about the real-life world of dinosaurs.... czytaj dalej

Fame School #04 Rivals
C. Jefferies Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An enthralling title in this popular series for children, which features the talented pupils of the fictional Rockley Park school for stars.Follow the exploits of Danny and Charlie, a pair of truly talented... czytaj dalej

Seeing Chekhov
M. Finkel Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Michael C. Finke explodes a century of critical truisms concerning Chekhov's objective eye and what being a physician gave him as a writer in a book that foregrounds the deeply subjective and self-reflexive... czytaj dalej

Czysta forma i bebechy
Ewa Łubieniewska Wydawnictwo: universitas

SPIS TREŚCIProlog z bebechamiFreud... a sprawa polskaHuzia na schizia!Istnienie poszczególne niedokonaneZmowa pykników (z Freudem w tle)Nie wiadomo co, czyli Czysta FormaSen - tajny agent dziwności IstnieniaTajemnica... czytaj dalej

Bezkształty/unshapes. Wer. polsko-angielska
Mateusz Teo Kurcewicz Wydawnictwo: Viva Litera

Książka autora "Chwilomyśli" oraz "Lunaświata". Jednym zdaniem kształty bezkształtu i bezkształt kształtów. Kolejne odpowiedzi na kolejne pytania, jeszcze inaczej o tym samym, tak samo o jeszcze innym...... czytaj dalej