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Zajrzeć do raju
Rice Luanne Wydawnictwo: Książnica

Po tragicznej śmierci czteroletniej córki i odejściu męża, świat Anny Davis legł w gruzach. Zrozpaczona kobieta wróciła do rodzinnego domu w Nowej Anglii, by wśród najbliższych znaleźć pocieszenie. Gdy pewnej... czytaj dalej

Little Drummer Girl
J. LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

Lured by Israeli intelligence into the world of espionage, Charlie, a young actress, is plunged into a deceptive and delicate trap to ensnare an elusive Palestinian terrorist. ... czytaj dalej

My Forbidden Face Growing Up Under Taliban
Latifa Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Latifa was born into an educated middle-class Afghan family in Kabul in 1980. She dreamed of one day becoming a journalist, she was interested in fashion, movies and friends. Her father was in the import/export... czytaj dalej

Epistemology Anthology
R. Sosa Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume represents the most comprehensive and authoritative collection of canonical readings in theory of knowledge. It is ideal as a reader for all courses in epistemology.... czytaj dalej

On Histories & Stories
A. Byatt Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

As novelists become increasingly interested in history as fiction and fiction as history, this study is designed to redraw the map of the boundaries of modern fiction. In her opening essays - "Fathers"... czytaj dalej

Scions of Shannara
T. Brooks Wydawnictwo: inne

Since the death of Allanon, life in the Four Lands has drastially changed. Yet Par Ohmsford still has some power of the Wishsong. And when a message from the ancient Druid, Allanon, reaches them, Par is ordered... czytaj dalej

Courage of Sarah Noble
A. Dalgliesh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1707, young Sarah Noble and her father traveled through the wilderness to build a new for their family. 'Keep up your courage, sarah Noble,' her mother had said, but Sarah found that it was not always easy... czytaj dalej

Blood on the Strand
Gregory Susanna Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Susanna Gregory is the pseudonym of a Cambridge academic who was previously a coroner's officer. The author now has a number of excellent books to her name, primarily medieval mysteries featuring Matthew Bartholomew... czytaj dalej

Tyrania nocy
Glen Cook Wydawnictwo: Rebis

Pierwszy tom nowego cyklu fantasy twórcy kultowych Kronik Czarnej Kompanii. Światem, opanowanym przez dwie wielkie religie, chcą zawładnąć Delegatury Nocy. Strategicznym punktem są Studnie Ihrian, źródło potężnej... czytaj dalej

Dead Sky
Hoag Tami Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It was a crime so brutal it changed the lives of even the most hardened homicide cops. The Haas family murders left a scar on the community nothing can erase, but convicting the alleged killer - Karl Dahl -... czytaj dalej