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A. Quincy Jones was a talented architect with a unique style but for whom the interests of community planning were more important than asserting his own individual aesthetic. Jones called the typical tract... czytaj dalej
Society is becoming preoccupied with the issue of landscape, not only as an area of design and study but also as it is affected by building development and the maintenance of eco-systems. This interest ranges... czytaj dalej
Coaching Youth Cricket gives you the tools you need to become a successful coach, even in your first season. Written by the Australian Cricket Board -- the country... czytaj dalej
Looking at the development of modern architecture, this book and compact disc tell the story of the modern movement in the words of the people who created it. It comprises interviews conducted over the course... czytaj dalej
In 2000, Hawaii-based eco-resort architect David Greenberg found himself with commissions to design more than one hundred tree houses in resort locations in Hawaii, China, Vietnam, and Fiji. Unable to handle... czytaj dalej
Young Yang Chung, master embroiderer and renowned scholar of East Asian textile arts, at last reveals not only the secrets of her craft and artistry, but also the colourful and vital history behind the ancient... czytaj dalej
This volume presents the current state of our knowledge of the classification of the approximately 300 species of cycads. It includes contributions from leading researchers from Australia, China, Italy, Mexico... czytaj dalej
Health Fitness Instructor's Handbook is the most comprehensive and up-to-date book available for health and fitness professionals who want to learn about the latest advances in physical fitness. Respected exercise... czytaj dalej
Illustrated with vibrant color photography, The Art of Outdoor Lighting: Landscapes with the Beauty of Lighting is not only inspiring but practical. These chapters help pinpoint challenging lighting situations... czytaj dalej
What can you do to transform your apartment or condominium into a beautiful home that you can cherish? How do you pare down decorations and furnishings to create a clean, modern apartment interior? Apartment... czytaj dalej