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DAM Jahrbuch 2005
Flagge Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The latest volume of this important annual survey, explores the recent growth in museum construction in Germany, and the trends this development has inspired. "DAM2005" profiles six new museums, designed... czytaj dalej

Garcia Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Architextiles explores the links between architectural and urban design and fashion and textile design. Focussing on fashion and textile design#8217;s potential for architectural design, this issue explores... czytaj dalej

Palladian Style
Parissien Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Inspired by the Classicism of the great Italian architect Palladio, designers such as Burlington, Campbell and Kent adapted his ideas to the English climate. They thus created a new style which was to pervade... czytaj dalej

Quincy Jones
Buckner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A. Quincy Jones was a talented architect with a unique style but for whom the interests of community planning were more important than asserting his own individual aesthetic. Jones called the typical tract... czytaj dalej

In Your Face Too The Best Interactive Interface Designs 2
D. Donnelly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The second edition of the award-winning In Your Face design book presents more than 1,500 full-color screen captures of the best and most innovative graphics for user interfaces in the areas of Web, CD-ROM... czytaj dalej

Early German Aces of World War I
G. VanWyngarden Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

The Fokker Eindeckers were the world's first true fighter aircraft, and their use had an impact on Allied morale and tactics far beyond their actual success. The first German aces who flew these aircraft, particularly... czytaj dalej

Education of Officers in selected NATO Armies
Wojciech Horyń (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

The book contains an informative, descripte, analytical expose of the various military officer educational systems the NATO partners : Poland, France, Spain, Sweden and the Czech Republic. The 158 subject matter... czytaj dalej

Kochany pies
Tamar Geller Wydawnictwo: Galaktyka

Każdy właściciel psa musi dokonać wyboru: albo chce mieć uległego, płochliwego, zwierzaka, albo szczęśliwego, pełnego radości, dobrze wychowanego pupila - członka rodziny. Autorka prezentuje rewolucyjną metodę... czytaj dalej

The Hanoverian Court and the Triumph of Pallad
Arciszewska Barbara Wydawnictwo: DiG

Architecture, yhe most utilitarian of the arts, does not concern itself solely with fulfilling the practical and aesthetic needs of humanity.... czytaj dalej

Ubezpieczenie społeczne t.3
Jędrasik-Jankowska Inetta Wydawnictwo: Wolters Kluwer

Opracowanie uwzględnia zmiany w systemie ubezpieczeń wprowadzone ustawą z 30 października 2002 r. o ubezpieczeniu społecznym z tytułu wypadków przy pracy i chorób zawodowych. Autorka skupia uwagę na konstrukcjach... czytaj dalej