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During the nineteenth century, the Shakers conducted America's first successfulexperiment in utopian living. From Maine to Kentucky, they built communal villages whose unique buildings were designed to accommodate... czytaj dalej
Rockport's popular Web Site Graphics series-focusing on separate but critical elements of online graphic design-is now available in one complete and affordable volume. Presenting some of the best Web site design... czytaj dalej
In the world of product design, thousands of small bits of must-know information are scattered across a wide array of places. This book collects all the crucial information designers need to know on a daily... czytaj dalej
This is an innovative and inspirational golf instruction book by leading mental and inner golf expert, Darrin Gee. Based on the author's "Seven Principles of Golf", these same principles also serve... czytaj dalej
Podręcznik Aktuelles zu Wirtschaft und Politik Polens stanowi niezbędną pomoc dla osób samodzielnie uczących się niemieckiego języka specjalistycznego Wirtschaftsdeutsch.Tematycznie obejmuje on główne zagadnienia... czytaj dalej
Ethical sourcing, both through fair and ethical trade, is increasingly entering the mainstream of food retailing. Large supermarkets have come under pressure to improve the returns to small producers and conditions... czytaj dalej
Bringing together the latest research from leading experts, this book provides an indispensable reference on the health benefits of drinking tea. It examines the general health giving properties of tea before... czytaj dalej
Monografia jest poświęcona wpływowi zasady pomocniczości na jedną ze sfer składających się na prawny status jednostki w państwie, a mianowicie na jej administracyjnoprawną sytuację, to jest na sytuację wywołaną... czytaj dalej
Mastering the Language of Literature provides students of English Literature with a clear guide to the linguistic analysis of literary texts. Drawing on modern linguistics and traditional approaches, it shows... czytaj dalej
Living in Normandy depicts the many faces of a region inextricably linked to our own history and embodies an art of living that lies between seashore and country. The Normandy landscape is varied, encompassing... czytaj dalej