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Monitoring & Surveillance of Genetically Modified Higher
Ghosta Kjellsson,Morten Strandberg Wydawnictwo: inne

The monitoring and surveillance of genetically modified higher plants (GMHP) is an area that is still lacking an established international monitoring program. This volume presents ideas and suggestions by focusing... czytaj dalej

Architecture The Element of Success
S. Knittel-Ammerschuber Wydawnictwo: inne

The focus of businesses today is more than ever on transparency, flexibility, openness, and the ability to communicate, values that must also be reflected in a company's architecture. Only those who clearly... czytaj dalej

Pocket Companion to Veterinary Medicine
Blood Wydawnictwo: inne

This concise handbook in note form acts as a quick reference guide for both the student and the practitioner. Material is cross-referenced to the latest edition of Veterinary Medicine 9th edition so that the... czytaj dalej

Perfectly Painted House
Rosser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Painting the exterior of a home is a large and costly project-yet homeowners have long been forced to decide on a color scheme based on only a tiny swatch or a paint brochure.Now, nationally recognized color... czytaj dalej

O'Donnell & Tuomey Selected Works
S. O'Donnell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In today's Ireland, it's not only the economy that's booming. Dublin-based architects O'Donnell + Tuomey have brought a wealth of exciting buildings to the Emerald Isle for the past 17 years. Their striking... czytaj dalej

Color Management for Logos
J. Drew Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dealing with every major colour system for both print and Web, "Color Management for Logos" provides readers with a solid understanding of all aspects of logo design. Featuring over 1000 examples... czytaj dalej

Food Toxicants Analysis
Y. Pico Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Food Toxicants Analysis" covers different aspects from the field of analytical food toxicology including emerging analytical techniques and applications to detect food allergens, genetically modified... czytaj dalej

Bird Flu A Rising Pandemic in Asia & Beyond?
P. Tambyah Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Chickens cannot be bought in Vietnam restaurants for love or money. New reports are emerging every week of the global reach of avian influenza in birds. Africa and Europe are now affected by what was thought... czytaj dalej

L. Jackson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Concentrates on the design and architecture of the 1960s, this book traces the transition from the "Contemporary" design of the 1950s to the pure geometry of "the look" and the styles that... czytaj dalej

Carl und Gerhart Hauptmann
Białęk Edward, Czarnecka Mirosława Wydawnictwo: inne

Hans-Gert RoloffCarl Hauptmanns Napoleon-DramenUrszula KawalecBilder des Anderen - Zigeuner im Werk von Carl HauptmannDirk DalbergKultur- versus Realpolitik. Gerhart Hauptmanns Politikbegriffe in politik- und... czytaj dalej