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How can you tell a true leader from one who just talks a good game? It's a true leader who makes his or her vision a reality--achieving great results that bring the highest levels of success. In How Great Leaders... czytaj dalej
The new edition of Quantitative Methods for Business and Management offers a complete introductory course in Quantitative Methods, providing students with basic practical experience in quantitative approaches... czytaj dalej
The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the use of Bayesian methods in marketing due, in part, to computational and modelling breakthroughs, making its implementation ideal for many marketing problems... czytaj dalej
This book introduces the reader to terms and concepts that are necessary to understand OB and their application to modern organizations. It also offers sufficient grounding in the field that enables the reader... czytaj dalej
Outsourcing has become an increasingly important issue for many organisations. This book provides a framework for an up-to-date understanding of the outsourcing process and the key issues associated with it... czytaj dalej
The only reference work of its kind to cover the whole continent, the 25th edition provides specific data for 55 countries and covers key issues within the region. Specific issues include the water crisis,... czytaj dalej
This new edition of Organisations and the Business Environment provides a completely revised, extended and updated edition of the original successful text. It provides contemporary and comprehensive coverage... czytaj dalej
Contemporary Security Management is hands-down the most comprehensive and up-to-date security management book available. It serves as an indispensable working tool for students and security professionals at... czytaj dalej
This volume presents a collection of papers written by senior marketing scholars based on their presentations upon receiving the "Society for Marketing Advances Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award"... czytaj dalej
This book provides a significant review of trends in household living standards in a number of African countries in the last decade to identify four issues fundamental to poverty reduction: economic policy... czytaj dalej