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Część pierwsza książki jest bardziej ogólna i dotyczy całego nowego Europejskiego Obszaru Wspólnotowego, w tym Polski, druga zaś obejmuje prace na temat sposobów i metod, które są stosowane i które powinny... czytaj dalej
This authoritative collection reprints in book form some of the most important research papers on the principles and practice of governance in the public sector. Part one reflects on the eclectic nature of... czytaj dalej
Operations Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases, is an ideal book for the instructor seeking a short text with cases. This book employs a cross-functional perspective, appealing to non-majors and practical... czytaj dalej
International Marketing 2/e offers a truly global treatment of this exciting area of marketing - providing students with all the resources they need to grasp the complexities and issues when marketing across... czytaj dalej
The volume contains a wide variety of original contributions on topics that have interested economists over the years and are still relevant today in discussions on theoretical developments and policy making... czytaj dalej
This handbook serves as a source, reference, and teaching supplement for industrial organization (or industrial economics), the broad field within microeconomics that focuses on business behavior and its implications... czytaj dalej
Developing countries - given their extreme economic vulnerability - are likely to be better served by maintaining flexible exchange rate regimes. That is the finding of this informative and enlightening book... czytaj dalej
Intense competition in the rapidly growing global market has given rise to a need for superiority in services. Indian customers now demand world-class quality and efficiency, and companies that can provide... czytaj dalej
The regulation of financial intermediaries is a significant challenge to policy makers, particularly those in emerging economies. This volume examines: the best practices in regulation in emerging markets;... czytaj dalej
Management accountancy has a dynamic role to play in the competitive strategy of modern global businesses. This book sets out key strategic principles and then assesses how management accountancy can affect... czytaj dalej