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Banking on Knowledge is one of the first studies of how the World Bank is reinventing itself as the 'Knowledge Bank'. The book addresses how international organizations and governments are developing partnerships... czytaj dalej
This indispensable text offers students a high quality treatment of strategic operations management. It provides the reader with a clear understanding of the importance and nature of operations strategy by... czytaj dalej
The world certainly suffers no shortage of accounting texts. The many out there help readers prepare, audit, interpret and explain corporate financial statements. What has been missing is a book offering context... czytaj dalej
Change is now so commonplace that people no longer talk in terms of the "whitewater epoch". Every sector of the economies of the developed world has experienced huge swathes of change in the last... czytaj dalej
Managing Diversity considers the implications of diversity for the development and synthesis of specific human resource policy areas. The contributors provide a range of perspectives on the significance of... czytaj dalej
Summary This book discusses the issues surrounding the implementation and 'selling' of a comprehensive library staff training programme. Importantly, it contains many tried and tested techniques used by the... czytaj dalej
The wealth derived from natural resources can have a tremendous impact on the economics and politics of producing countries. In the last quarter century, we have seen the surprising and sobering consequences... czytaj dalej
Volkema (business, American University) examines what leverage is, how to increase one's own leverage or decrease the leverage of another party, and the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches in all... czytaj dalej
Economists are regularly confronted with results of quantitative economics research. Econometrics: Theory and Applications with EViews provides a broad introduction to quantitative economic methods, for example how... czytaj dalej
To be financially literate in today's market, business students must have a solid understanding of derivatives concepts and instruments and the uses of those instruments in corporations. The Second Edition... czytaj dalej