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'John's essays capture the essence of the new innovation-led economy. He skillfully incorporates a breadth of perspectives and disciplines (sociology, political science, economics, geography, organizational... czytaj dalej
Pracując przez lata w "środowisku międzynarodowym", autorzy mieli wielokrotnie okazję "identyfikowania" problemów, z jakimi konfrontowany jest urzędnik i biznesmen, a które plasują się nieco... czytaj dalej
This book argues that the viability of many observed market and non-market interventions in agricultural products worldwide depends considerably on the underlying behaviour of the relevant commodity markets... czytaj dalej
There are more than 150 million registered eBay users, most of whom are hungry for information on how they can boost sales and strike it rich on eBay. Prince is an internationally respected eBay authority who... czytaj dalej
For Junior/Senior and MBA level courses in cost/management accounting. Horngren's Cost Accounting defined the cost accounting market and continues to innovate today by consistently integrating the most current... czytaj dalej
Internationally acclaimed business gurus and best-selling authors Don Peppers and Martha Rogers kicked off the CRM revolution and changed the landscape of business competition with their classic bestseller... czytaj dalej
The terrorist outrages of 11 September 2001 and the rapid collapse of Enron both highlight the uncomfortable fact that business and business people are subject to risks much broader and often more personally... czytaj dalej
Change is now so commonplace that people no longer talk in terms of the "whitewater epoch". Every sector of the economies of the developed world has experienced huge swathes of change in the last... czytaj dalej
As time elapses since the introduction of the Euro, it is legitimate to start asking what impact the new currency and the single monetary policy have had on European integration. This book provides the most... czytaj dalej
The G Quotient identifies a management phenomenon that will change the way people view their professional roles in the workplace. Based on a landmark five-year study, The G Quotient redefines successful leadership... czytaj dalej