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This book offers a refreshing view of leadership as a psycho-social phenomenon. Attention is drawn to the conceptual muddle which underlies much of managerial practices, particularly in the selection and development... czytaj dalej
Proponowany podręcznik został opracowany z myślą o zewnętrznym egzaminie potwierdzającym kwalifikacje zawodowe. Zawiera wiele ciekawych przykładów z rozwiązaniami i ćwiczeń do samodzielnego wykonania w formie... czytaj dalej
The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002 brought together thousands of delegates who mapped out the future of the global sustainable development agenda. The resulting technical... czytaj dalej
Gives a lively and wide-ranging survey of the basic principles of finance and financial accounting for non-specialist students of accounting and finance in a first year course. ... czytaj dalej
FUNDAMENTALS OF SELLING: Customers For Life Through Service, 9/e is one of McGraw-Hillżs best-selling texts in the Selling discipline. Its approach is classic and practical and emphasizes role-plays. FUNDAMENTALS... czytaj dalej
Ober prepares students for business communication by employing a hands-on approach, connecting topics, examples, and exercises to the modern workplace. The text provides ample opportunity for students to practice... czytaj dalej
An illustrious group of economists contribute to this volume honoring Dick Netzer, the public finance economist well-known for his research on state and local taxation, the provision of urban public services... czytaj dalej
Leaders are made, not born, Mark Wexler argues, and they cannot be understood in a vacuum. There is no simple answer as to why certain people select one leader over others. Those who look for a master story... czytaj dalej
Virtually every aspect of real estate is covered in the latest edition of this encyclopedic volume--a veritable goldmine of information for real estate agents and salespersons, for anybody buying or selling... czytaj dalej
'Ronald Burke has put together a collection of state of the art research and writing about work hours and work addiction from around the world. This book is essential reading for academics, managers, human... czytaj dalej