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Designed for the first financial accounting course at four-year colleges and universities, Financial Accounting, 2e is unique in approach, in that it not only considers GAAP in its valuation of financial statements... czytaj dalej
These texts provide students with a state-of-the-art overview of operations management. The goal of these texts is to show the fundamental principles of operations and how they relate to effectively producing... czytaj dalej
There has been an explosive growth in the number of corporates, investors and financial institutions turning to structured products to achieve cost savings, risk controls and yield enhancements. However, the... czytaj dalej
Using Miller's user-friendly format, this book delivers everything you need to know about all up-to-the-minute International Accounting Standards. You will find interpretations issued by the International Accounting... czytaj dalej
Managers often find it difficult to keep up with the multitude of factors that impact learning and knowledge management in business. This helpful volume analyzes these factors, details better practices for... czytaj dalej
Zmiany w otoczeniu ekonomicznym działalności przedsiębiorstwProblemy finansowania przedsiębiorstwRynek kapitałowy, problemy wyceny i decyzje inwestycyjne przedsiębiorstwZarządzanie ryzykiem w przedsiębiorstwieZarządzanie... czytaj dalej
Principles of Auditing remains the #1 Principles of Auditing text using the balance sheet approach. Whittington/Pany presents concepts clearly and proactively monitors changes in auditing, making the relationship... czytaj dalej
Today's global financial markets are every bit as vicious psychologically, and sometimes even physically, as the battles the great warriors throughout history have faced. Just as the warriors of old rode out... czytaj dalej
"Learning Needs Analysis and Evaluation" will help you ensure that learning in your organisation is focused in the right areas and on the right people. It will help you assess whether learning interventions... czytaj dalej
Podręcznik przeznaczony dla studentów rozpoczynających dopiero naukę bankowości. Autorzy rozpoczynają wykład od klasycznego wprowadzenia do problematyki pośrednictwa finansowego i roli banków (oraz rynków kapitałowych)... czytaj dalej