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Ta wspaniale prezentująca się edytorsko książka, jest równie znakomita pod względem treści. Została zaprojektowana tak, aby móc ją mieć ciągle przy sobie. Napisana przez wytrawnego handlowca stała się prawdziwym... czytaj dalej
This book examines best and worst practice in the evaluation and management of credit risk, analysing how credit risk is connected to market risk through trigger events. In two volumes, it discusses the different... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate courses in Customer Service, Training and Development, and Service Marketing; also as a supplement for a course in Marketing Principles. The market-leader, Customer Service: A Practical Approach... czytaj dalej
Provides first-hand information and analysis regarding how multilateral, bilateral, and commercial financers make decisions about oil, gas, and electric power projects. Contents: Fundamentals of project financing... czytaj dalej
W dzisiejszym środowisku pracy, które w coraz większym stopniu wymaga współdziałania i dobrych relacji między pracownikami, umiejętność zorganizowania i poprowadzenia zebrania staje się dla menedżera niezbędna... czytaj dalej
Designed for the first financial accounting course at four-year colleges and universities, Financial Accounting, 2e is unique in approach, in that it not only considers GAAP in its valuation of financial statements... czytaj dalej
Introductory International Business courses with the need for a brief, accessible text.Lively, topical, and accessible, this text is written integrating culture early and often to enable students to grasp difficult... czytaj dalej
Commodity Fundamentals provides comprehensive coverage of supply/demand data for more than 20 physical commodities in the precious metals, energy, grains, and tropical commodity markets. Detailed information... czytaj dalej
Using Miller's user-friendly format, this book delivers everything you need to know about all up-to-the-minute International Accounting Standards. You will find interpretations issued by the International Accounting... czytaj dalej
This timely and highly topical text examines the development of the Basel Committee. Thorough and well-researched, it studies the Committee's creation, achievements and prospective role in the 21st century... czytaj dalej