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As the global tourism industry continues to expand and to become more complex, it is vital that those in the industry identify trends early and design proactive strategies to gain competitive advantage. Tourism... czytaj dalej
Business consultants Copeland and Antikarov explain how company managers can use Real Options Analysis to make decisions about large scale investments. After setting out the fundamentals and citing examples... czytaj dalej
Daniel Papla, Krzysztof Jajuga - "Chaos theory in financial time series analysis - some theoretical aspects and empirical results"; Józef Stawicki, Emil A. Janiak, Iwona Müller-Frączek - "Fractional... czytaj dalej
The aim of this authoritative selection is to synthesize the burgeoning, heterogeneous literature on institutions and agents engaged in technological entrepreneurship at universities. These studies highlight... czytaj dalej
Wydanie polsko-angielskie. Rozwój demograficzny Polski wyróżnia dzisiaj wiele pozytywnych cech: wydłużanie się życia mieszkańców, obniżanie się umieralności, szczególnie niemowląt, ale mimo to Polska znalazła... czytaj dalej
The essence of time is a common feature in the world of business, yet at the same time is all too often taken for granted. This volume provides a complete overview of some of the key concepts of time and also... czytaj dalej
By 2002, all but a handful of countries were connected to the Internet. The intertwining of the Internet and the globalization of finance, corporate governance, and trade raises questions about national models... czytaj dalej
For use as a capstone course text in MIS and in Management of Information Technology/Systems Courses.This text deals with the management of information technology (IT) as it is being practiced in organizations... czytaj dalej
Moorad continues to demonstrate his financial expertise, and shows us why he is one of the best-selling authors in our industry today. - Eric Subliskey, Vice President, Short-Term Fixed Income JPMorgan Securities... czytaj dalej
ESSENTIALS OF MANAGING TREASURY Treasury is the financial hub of an organization-a hub with many spokes. This concise reference describes each functional area within treasury and includes guidelines for best... czytaj dalej