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Eye Basic Sciences in Practice
Forrester Wydawnictwo: inne

A new edition of the only compact and all-embracing textbook of basic science for trainee ophthalmologists.The only comprehensive book of this type for trainee ophthalmologists. Other books available only... czytaj dalej

Black's Concise Atlas of Human Anatomy
McCracken Wydawnictwo: inne

Black's Concise Atlas of Human Anatomy presents the most up-to-date concise anatomy of the human body, featuring award-winning illustrations. It is invaluable both for home reference and all those who need... czytaj dalej

Twelve Days of Christmas
S. Bakhurst Wydawnictwo: inne

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS MUSICAL is a sparkly adaptation of the famous Christmas song of the same name. It is a wonderful, exciting musical that really captures the true giving spirit of Christmas. Intended... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Food
Sinclair Wydawnictwo: inne

"The Dictionary of Food" is the indispensable companion for everyone who loves reading about food, or cooking it. We live in a globalised world, and our tastes in food have widened dramatically in... czytaj dalej

E H Gombrich Bibliography
J. Trapp Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume documents the remarkable range of E H Gombrich... czytaj dalej

Truth or Consequences
N. Waplington Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nick Waplington has taken photographs in and around Truth or Consequences, a small town situated in New Mexico, for nearly ten years. Typical and unremarkable in many ways, the town's extraordinary name derives... czytaj dalej

Gilbert & George Intimate Conversations with Francois Jonque
F. Jonquet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Despite their notoriety, Gilbert George have always been reluctant to speak publicly, and have only occasionally published manifestos or given interviews, many of which were collected into a volume published... czytaj dalej

Oparil Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The revised and updated 2nd Edition provides a logical, practical framework for managing patients with hypertension. Today's leading experts discuss all aspects of the field -- from pathophysiology, pharmacological... czytaj dalej

Systemic Diseases & Eye
J. Kanski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title encourages the ophthalmologist to view the patient as a whole to aid with the differential diagnosis of systemic and ocular signs. It comprehensively covers all systemic diseases associated with... czytaj dalej

ABC of Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Snashall Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Previously titled ABC of Work Related Disorders, David Snashall and Dipti Patel are updating the book for GPs. The new edition will also help medical and nursing professionals taking Occupational Health exams... czytaj dalej