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Symbolic Interactionism
J. Charon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

  For sophomore/junior-level courses in Social Psychology or Social Theory in departments of Sociology; and for Senior seminar courses that examine the symbolic interactionist perspective. Using a unique step-by-step... czytaj dalej

Environmental Psychology
Paul Bell,Thomas Greene,Jeffrey Fisher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in its fifth edition, Environmental Psychology has become the most authoritative and widely used textbook in the field by focusing on the application of science and theory to the solution of problems involving... czytaj dalej

Oxford Encyclopedia of Children's Literature 4 Vols
J. Zipes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Children's literature first became a distinct body of writing and publishing in the eighteenth century. Until the seventeenth century, children were usually considered as smaller versions of adults. As the... czytaj dalej

Appraising Sustainable Development
A. Biswas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book discusses the concept of sustanable development specifically with regard to water resources management and environmental challenges therein. Sustainable development is studied from the perspective... czytaj dalej

Infections Diseases of Livestock 3 vols
J. Coetzer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

While the focus of the first edition was on sub-Saharan Africa, this second edition has significantly expanded contents that include the majority of the infectious diseases of livestock that occur world-wide... czytaj dalej

Voicing the Soviet Experience Poetry of Ol'ga Berggol'ts
K. Hodgson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The career of Ol'ga Berggol'ts offers a case study in the complexities that faced Soviet writers in the Stalin era, and demonstrates that the borders between 'official' and 'unofficial' literature were permeable... czytaj dalej

Roman Law Contemporary Law European Law
R. Zimmermann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Legal history helps us to understand modern law. This book contains the text on which Professor Zimmermann's October 1999 Clarendon lectures at the University of Oxford were based. The lectures combine legal... czytaj dalej

Genetical Theory of Natural Selection
K. Storm Wydawnictwo: angielskie

R A Fisher's classic The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection was first published by the Oxford University Press in 1930. It was the first attempt to assess and explain Darwin's evolutionary theories in terms... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Distance Sampling Estimating Abundance of Bi
S. Buckland,D. Anderson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book introduces the suite of techniques known as 'distance sampling', so-called because the common theme is the sampling of distances of objects from a line or point. The objects are usually animals or... czytaj dalej