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Principles & Practice of Clinical Research
J. Gallin Wydawnictwo: inne

This is the first comprehensive text to address the theoretical and practical issues involved in conducting clinical research. Clinical research encompasses all studies involving human subjects-laboratory analysis... czytaj dalej

Nobel Prize Winning Discoveries in Infectious Diseases
Rifkind Wydawnictwo: inne

This book presents the 24 discoveries in infectious diseases that have merited Nobel Prize recognition since the inception of the awards in 1901. Grouped according to biological groups rather than chronology... czytaj dalej

E-Commerce Book
S. Korper Wydawnictwo: inne

During the last year the highest highs and lowest lows have been experienced by businesses involved in electronic commerce. Most experts agree that this volatility has more to do with poor investment decisions... czytaj dalej

Organizational Behavior Reader
Osland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Organizational Behavior, Individual Behavior in Organizations, and Industrial Psychology.This reader provides the best collection of classic, ground-breaking articles, as well as cutting-edge... czytaj dalej

Symbolic Interactionism
J. Charon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

  For sophomore/junior-level courses in Social Psychology or Social Theory in departments of Sociology; and for Senior seminar courses that examine the symbolic interactionist perspective. Using a unique step-by-step... czytaj dalej

Puffin Book of Modern Children's Verse
J. Patten Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Puffin Book of Modern Children's Verse" is the definitive collection of modern children's poetry of our time. Enchanting, funny, exciting and poignant, there is every kind of poem for every kind... czytaj dalej

Pharaoh's Daughter
Lester Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Born into slavery, adopted as an infant by a princess, and raised in the palace of mighty Pharaoh, Moses struggles to define himself. And so do the three women who love him: his own embittered mother, forced... czytaj dalej

Environmental Psychology
Paul Bell,Thomas Greene,Jeffrey Fisher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in its fifth edition, Environmental Psychology has become the most authoritative and widely used textbook in the field by focusing on the application of science and theory to the solution of problems involving... czytaj dalej

Oxford Encyclopedia of Children's Literature 4 Vols
J. Zipes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Children's literature first became a distinct body of writing and publishing in the eighteenth century. Until the seventeenth century, children were usually considered as smaller versions of adults. As the... czytaj dalej