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Over the last five decades pesticides have undoubtedly helped to increase agricultural production and control vectors of disease, however the environmental impact of long term agro-chemical use has been cause... czytaj dalej
This landmark volume assesses the contribution of recent work in ethnobiology to anthropological thought. Considers the ways in which the subject matter and methodologies of ethnobiological research address... czytaj dalej
This book presents a unique collection of clinical cases to help combat the difficulty of diagnosis and treatment of Syncope. Medical professionals using this book are provided with a reference to a large array... czytaj dalej
Blackwell's US medical student books have moved to Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Please visit LWW for more product and purchasing information. **************************************************** If you are... czytaj dalej
SAGE Reference is proud to announce the Encyclopedia of Immigration and Migration in the American West. The Encyclopedia provides a complete and definite history of racial and ethnic groups that populated... czytaj dalej
Measurement is the cornerstone of science. Insofar as social science aims to be scientific it, too, must take measurement seriously. Yet measurement has not yet established for itself a central role in the... czytaj dalej
These 120 articles have been carefully selected to capture the current methodological variations in business and management research and to highlight the important philosophical assumptions that underpin... czytaj dalej
Advertising Strategy provides students with the experience of an actively teaching professor at one of the top advertising programs in the country and a working creative director//agency principle. Altstiel... czytaj dalej
Top marks can not be guaranteed - but there are proven approaches and techniques which can help everyone write good essays. The third edition of this indispensable guide builds on the success of the previous... czytaj dalej
Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership, Second Edition identifies the unique ethical demands of leadership and equips students to meet those challenges. Written in an informal, accessible style, this... czytaj dalej