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Chemistry Fundamentals Environmental Perspective
P. Buell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Intended for undergraduate students with majors outside the sciences, this textbook assumes little or no previous familiarity with chemistry. Emphasizing the role of chemistry in the understanding of environmental... czytaj dalej

Access Forms & Reports for Dummies
B. Underdahl Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Create queries that make forms and reports useful Develop forms to access the data you need and make reports that make sense! If you thought you had to use a spreadsheet program to produce reports and forms... czytaj dalej

Clinically Integrated Histology
David Cormack Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by the author of the classic medical student text Essential Histology , this volume uses a case study format to help students relate histology to clinical medicine. Each chapter focuses on an organ... czytaj dalej

D. Bernstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in its Second Edition this text continues to teach students on rotation the basics of pediatric clinical practice. Evaluative skills and a logical approach are honed in this problem-oriented approach... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Urology Diagnosis & Therapy
Siroky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This handbook is a practical, easily accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of urologic disorders. In an outline format that is ideal for rapid, on-the-spot reference, the text covers all medical and... czytaj dalej

S. Weinstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in its revised, updated Sixth Edition, this text provides residents and medical students with a broad overview of adult and pediatric orthopaedics. Major sections focus on general and regional disorders... czytaj dalej

Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics
Samuels Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The thoroughly revised, updated Seventh Edition of this best-selling SpiralŽ Manual is a practical, accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disorders. Completely reorganised for faster... czytaj dalej

Phlebotomy Essentials
McCall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly updated and enhanced by new print and electronic ancillaries, this full-color text provides accurate, practical information and instruction on phlebotomy procedures with a comprehensive background... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Periodontal Instrumentation and Advanced Roo
Gehrig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in full color, with over 1,400 photographs and illustrations, the Sixth Edition of this market-leading text is a step-by-step, highly visual guide to the how-to's of periodontal instrumentation. It takes... czytaj dalej

Leading the Global Workforce
L. Carter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Leading the Global Workforce provides a handy guide for international organizations that must achieve results in managing and sustaining a global workforce. The fourteen illustrative cases outlined address... czytaj dalej