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Introduction to Multimodal Analysis is a unique and accessible textbook that clearly and critically explains this groundbreaking approach to visual analysis. Each chapter outlines the tools for analysis and... czytaj dalej
This book explores the various dimensions of energy security in Asia - which has become an increasingly important geopolitical issue. Reputable international contributors look at the roles played by each of... czytaj dalej
Praca dotyczy powstania na Rusi Moskiewskiej specyficznej odmiany teologii ikony - stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o przyczyny jej narodzin. Przedstawia procesy przemian myśli o sztuce na Rusi, w kontekście... czytaj dalej
Urzekająca, nowa szata graficzna!Najnowsze, czwarte wydanie bestsellerowego albumu Adama Bujaka o Polsce!Tysiąc lat historii skłania do ogólniejszej refleksji i kusi, by przypomnieć nie tylko powszechnie znane... czytaj dalej
The bestselling, full-color introduction to Windows will be updated from beginning to end! In Windows Vista QuickSteps, full-color graphics and visual step-by-step instructions lead you through the operating... czytaj dalej
This handy 180-page book offers a great overview of QuickTime Pro, including a fundamental explanation of video encoding and an invaluable look-up guide of video codecs and the QuickTime Pro interface. Includes... czytaj dalej
Mesotherapy - the microinjection of a combination of conventional medications and vitamins into the middle layer of skin - has a long history in France since its invention in 1952 and its formal recognition... czytaj dalej
`The publication of Synergic Inquiry is both timely and important. It is a refreshing attempt to forge behavioral theory and praxis to expand human capacities for problem-solving' - Tomoko Hamada, College of... czytaj dalej
In recent years there has been increasingly vigorous debate about the nature and purpose of special education, and what might be considered the appropriate responses to pupils who experience difficulties in... czytaj dalej
This book presents a solid, research-based conceptual framework that demystifies organizational learning and bridges the gap between theory and practice. Using an integrative approach, the authors provide practitioners... czytaj dalej