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RNA World
R. Gesteland Wydawnictwo: inne

The origin of life is not the only topic covered in this book. The volume provides reviews of RNA function, each written by an expert in the field.... czytaj dalej

Lab Ref a Handbook Of Rcipes Reagents
J. Roskams Wydawnictwo: inne

Extracted from laboratory manuals published by Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, this guide contains reference data and information on a variety of laboratory techniques. ... czytaj dalej

Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes
M. Carey Wydawnictwo: inne

In the genome era, the analysis of gene expression has become a critical requirement in many laboratories. But there has been no comprehensive source of strategic, conceptual, and technical information to guide... czytaj dalej

Acoustic Sensing Techniques for the Shallow Water
A. Caiti Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Acoustic remote sensing of the ocean environment has seen a remarkable progress in the last tenfifteen year as a result of an increasing understanding of the experimental techniques and procedures and of the... czytaj dalej

Politics of Migration
S. Spencer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Politics of Migration explores the opportunities and tensions posed by migration today and makes a series of strong, workable proposals for managing it effectively. An exploration of the opportunities and... czytaj dalej

Cases in Business Ethics
D. Sharp Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Ivey Casebook Series is a co-publishing partnership between SAGE Publications and the Richard Ivery School of Business at The University of Western Ontario. Cases in Business Ethics provides the opportunity... czytaj dalej

Ethical Issues in Emergency Medicine
Schears Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It is vital for emergency physicians to be able to identify ethical dilemmas, have an action plan, and have a means to apply ethical principles in a clinical setting. This issue addresses ethics and the law... czytaj dalej

Hand Fractures & Dislocations
A. Freeland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fractures of the hand bones account for about one-third of all hand fractures. Some hand fractures can be serious and require surgery, others may involve manipulation or casting and splinting. For guidance... czytaj dalej

Clinically Relevant Electrocardiography
Schiavone Wydawnictwo: inne

This book aims to offer readers of various educational levels and clinical foci the opportunity to learn electrocardiography from basic recognition of tracings and terminology to a deeper understanding of fine... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy
Comeford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! presents essential nursing fundamentals in the easy-to-read, fun-to-learn format that's popular with nurses and nursing students everywhere. The book provides comprehensive... czytaj dalej