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Big Idea Newton & Gravity
Strathern Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A good case can be made for Isaac Newton being the finest mind humanity has yet produced. His theory of gravity offered his contemporaries their first glimpse of how the universe actually works, and his mathematics... czytaj dalej

International Encyclopedia of Environmental
J. Barry Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why care about the environment? Is the earth's climate really changing for the worse? What are CFCs exactly? And who or what is the WTO? What are the causes of environmental problems? Who are the main actors... czytaj dalej

This in Not Architecture Media Constructions
K. Rattenbury Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is Not Architecture assembles architectural writers of different kinds - historians, theorists, journalists, computer game designers, technologists, film-makers and architects - to discuss the characteristics... czytaj dalej

Theology of the Sublime
C. Crockett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A Theology of the Sublime is the first major response to the influential and controversial Radical Orthodoxy movement.Clayton Crockett develops a constructive radical theology from the philosophy of Immanuel... czytaj dalej

Shakespeare The Movie II
R. Burt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Following on from the phenomenally successful Shakespeare, The Movie, this volume brings together an invaluable new collection of essays on cinematic Shakespeares in the 1990s and beyond. Shakespeare, The Movie... czytaj dalej

Mermaid's Tail
Raewyn Caisley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book is about a girl called Crystal who wants to be a mermaid. One night her wish comes true and she swims with a dolphin all day. My favourite part was where she was dreaming about being a mermaid. I... czytaj dalej

Edge on the Sword
R. Tignle Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In the thrilling story of a girl becoming a leader, King Alfred's eldest daughter must use her inner resources and battle skills to save her own life and protect the lives of her men, becoming the greatest... czytaj dalej

Magic School Bus #15 Voyage to the Volcano
Stamper Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Hi, I'm Dorothy Ann, one of the kids in Ms. Frizzle's class. When we started learning about volcanoes, I thought we'd just be studying them in books -- but Ms. Frizzle had other ideas. She took us all the way... czytaj dalej

Aero & Officer Mike Police Partner
Joan Russell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A photo essay about a police dog and his human partner at work and play.... czytaj dalej

Shrek 2 Gag Book
S. Fisch Wydawnictwo: brak danych

To pass the time while on a long journey, Donkey bets Shrek that he can make him laugh before they arrive at their destination. With Fiona as a judge, Donkey lets loose with a barrage of fairy-tale jokes --... czytaj dalej