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Riverside Reader
J. Trimmer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This rhetorically arranged reader contains 69 selections (45 essays, 8 stories, 16 paragraphs) representing diverse voices and views from student and professional writers. The extensive apparatus in The Riverside... czytaj dalej

Lecture Notes on Emergency Medicine
Moulton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This core text covers all aspects of accident and emergency medicine. It concentrates on the essentials with "immediate action" first and then subsequent treatments. Crafted by two outstanding physicians... czytaj dalej

Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 Unleashed
E. Neale Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Small businesses today are required to do more with less because of limited technology resources and staff. Windows Small Business Server 2003 is a complete network solution for this market. Small Business... czytaj dalej

Applied Laparoscopic Anatomy Abdomen & Pelvis
G. Wind Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides outstanding anatomical views as seen through the scope during procedures. In clear, crisp detail, Dr. Wind delivers this crucial information, illustrating surgically important structures... czytaj dalej

Stedman's Concise Medical & Allied Health Dictionary
J. Dirckx Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Słownik zawiera ponad 40.000 haseł i 380 ilustracji. Pozwala na łatwy dostęp do fachowego słownictwa z dziedziny medycyny i nauk pokrewnych. Jest podręcznym uzupełnieniem 26-tego już wydania Stedman's Medical... czytaj dalej

Neurological Complications Aids
Said Wydawnictwo: inne

Coherent and comprehensive guide to management of neurological problems associated with HIV infection and AIDS. The Major Problems in Neurology Series is a collection of authoritative, comprehensively referenced... czytaj dalej

Endoscopic Diagnosis of Female Lower Urinary Tract
G. Cundiff Wydawnictwo: inne

This book is an Atlas of normal and abnormal cystourethroscopic findings.Each chapter addresses common indications for cystourethroscopy and allows the reader to develop a differential diagnosis. The chapters... czytaj dalej

Practioner as Teacher
Sue Hinchliff Wydawnictwo: inne

The second edition has been completely updated and revised but retains the user-friendly approach and practical focus of the first edition. However, both nurse education and practice have developed considerably... czytaj dalej

Eye Basic Sciences in Practice
Forrester Wydawnictwo: inne

A new edition of the only compact and all-embracing textbook of basic science for trainee ophthalmologists.The only comprehensive book of this type for trainee ophthalmologists. Other books available only... czytaj dalej

Black's Concise Atlas of Human Anatomy
McCracken Wydawnictwo: inne

Black's Concise Atlas of Human Anatomy presents the most up-to-date concise anatomy of the human body, featuring award-winning illustrations. It is invaluable both for home reference and all those who need... czytaj dalej