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Illustrated AutoCAD 2006 Quick Reference 1e
Ralph Grabowski Wydawnictwo: inne

Both an introduction for first-time users of CAD systems and a reference manual for those already familiar with AutoCAD, catalogs all standard AutoCAD commands in alphabetical order, describing the function... czytaj dalej

Adult Leukemias
Wiernik Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume reflects the groundbreaking work carried out by the staff at New York Medical College, into clinical investigation and patient management in the leukaemias. This particular area benefits greatly... czytaj dalej

Wavefront Customized Visual Corrections
R. Krueger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wavefront technology has seen an explosion of information and in keeping with the fast-paced changing world is the premier source on wavefront correction, Wavefront Customized Visual Correction: The Quest for... czytaj dalej

Clinician's Guide to Pancreaticobiliary Disorders
G. Ginsberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Clinician's Guide to Pancreaticobiliary Disorders comprehensively examines the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of disorders of the pancreatic and biliary systems. The reader-friendly... czytaj dalej

Neurology Secrets
Loren Rolak Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Neurology Secrets, 4th edition", presents all the latest tips and "secrets" on disorders of the nervous system in the popular Q and A format of the "Secrets Series[registered]"... czytaj dalej

Design Secrets Advertising 50 Real-life Projects Uncovered
Hickey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this fourth title in the Design Secrets series, each design project selected is shown in detail from concept to completion including all the steps in-between. This book presents 50 real-life design projects:... czytaj dalej

Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice
A. Kanarek Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Lack of GMP compliance is no joke. DMD's Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice provides pharmaceutical and biological companies with assistance in compliance with the GMP rules laid down by the USA, Canada and... czytaj dalej

Clinical Retina
Quiellen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Each condition is presented in a standard format including general information, symptoms, clinical features, ancillary tests, pathology, treatment, systematic evaluation and selected references. On the facing... czytaj dalej

Mobile Antenna Systems Handbook
Hiroshi Fujimoto Wydawnictwo: inne

This is an extensively revised and updated new edition of the best-selling Mobile Antenna Systems Handbook. Comprehensive, authoritative and practical, it provides the information you need to understand the... czytaj dalej

Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data
Lee Wydawnictwo: inne

This comnprehensive guide enables pharmacy students and practitioners to significantly improve their lab test interpretation skills and deliver safe and more effective care to their patients.... czytaj dalej