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In recent years there has been increasingly vigorous debate about the nature and purpose of special education, and what might be considered the appropriate responses to pupils who experience difficulties in... czytaj dalej
This book presents a solid, research-based conceptual framework that demystifies organizational learning and bridges the gap between theory and practice. Using an integrative approach, the authors provide practitioners... czytaj dalej
For courses in Introduction to Baking, Basic Baking and Pastry Skills and Professional Baking. Drawing on the authors' expertise, The Principles of Baking: Baking Fundamentals explores the basics of baking... czytaj dalej
For 2-semester or 3-quarter general chemistry courses. General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications is recognized for its superior problems, lucid writing, precision of argument, and precise and detailed... czytaj dalej
"Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Disorders" provides managers and clinicians with results from Practice Improvement Collaboratives (PIC) that demonstrate how... czytaj dalej
Metodyka oznacza zbiór zasad i sposobów dotyczących wykonywania jakiejś pracy i realizacji określonych celów. Niniejsza książka ma więc za zadanie przedstawienie zagadnień procesowych związanych z pracą sędziego... czytaj dalej
Compiled by internationally recognized experts in trauma critical care, this source discusses the entire gamut of critical care management of the trauma patient and covers several common complications and conditions... czytaj dalej
Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy są rozważania na temat znaczenia informacji w społeczeństwie obywatelskim pod kątem wybranych aspektów prawnych. Należy podkreślić, że informacja odgrywa ogromną rolę we współczesnych... czytaj dalej
How do hurricanes form? Where is the worlds hottest location? Which American city has the largest average snowfall? Readers can find facts on major hurricanes and typhoons of recent decades and the tracks they... czytaj dalej
The 12th-century Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago de Compostela, the earliest account of the pilgrim routes through France and Northern Spain to the shrine of St. James, is such a text. Surviving in twelve copies... czytaj dalej