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Practical Guide to Care of Pediatric Patient
Anthony Alario Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text provides thorough, yet accesssible, coverage of common syndromes and organ system abnormalities in the pediatric patient. From cover to cover, it offers extensive coverage of differential diagnosis... czytaj dalej

Nuclear Cardiology
B. Zaret Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Up-to-the-minute information on the use of radionuclides for imaging diagnosis of the heart is readily available in this new second edition. The editors, a radiologist and a cardiologist, have invited a group... czytaj dalej

Linear Systems Theory
B. Chen Wydawnictwo: inne

This text is the first comprehensive treatment of structural decompositions of various types of linear systems, including autonomous, unforced or unsensed, strictly proper, non-strictly proper, and descriptor... czytaj dalej

Respiratory Circulatory Interactions in Health & Disease
Steven Scharf,Michael Pinsky,Sheldon Magder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book describes the basic, pathophysiologic, and clinical importance of the reciprocal relationships and interactions between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, examining mechanical responses caused... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Adhesive Technology
Pizzi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Integrates modern technological innovations into adhesive preparation and applicationOffers ten new chaptersRe-examines the mechanisms driving adhesion, categories of adhesives, techniques for bond formation... czytaj dalej

Laser Remote Sensing
Fuji Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Provides an up-to-date, comprehensive review on laser remote sensingPresents new systems that apply ultrafast laser technologyReviews Mie LIDAR measurements of aerosols and clouds, and absorption LIDAR measurements... czytaj dalej

Complications in Vascular Surgery
Towne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Substantially revised to reflect the most recent surgical techniques and practices, this reference describes the most effective strategies to prevent, identify, and manage complications in vascular surgery... czytaj dalej

Catalytic Naphtha Reforming
Antos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

describes basic reforming reactions and metal-acid catalysisexplores naphtha hydrotreatmentexamines the preparation of catalystsexhaustively treats platinum impregnation chemistrydepicts the up-to-date commercial... czytaj dalej

Faith Of Our Fathers Reflections On Catholic Tradition
C. Duffy Wydawnictwo: inne

Professor Eamon Duffy is an outstanding scholar who has revolutionised late medieval and Reformation studies through the publication of such books as The Stripping of the Altars (Yale UP). But Duffy has always... czytaj dalej

Key Words in Christianity
R. Geaves Wydawnictwo: inne

Written in response to students' worries over the demands of dealing with a range of complex and unfamiliar concepts, this handy reference book enables readers to grasp the essentials of the subject up to graduate... czytaj dalej